I dunno Cassidy. You're starting to make me a little nervous. I mean *Diller*?? In the *rafters*? With firearms?? Anybody who is familiar with the guy knows that he can't hit the broad side of a barn door with a Bulgarian Shipka let alone a high velocity gun with a scope. And that's when he's sober. Until now I've always felt fairly sanguine about attending Le Cinema Luxe @ the Bridge. Generally the homeboys who bring their lugars know what they're doing and hit their targets with a fair degree of precision but start turning farmers like Diller loose with their friggin paintballs and God only knows what would happen.
Ross Bender
In a message dated 2/23/2005 9:24:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 i'm all about it. i say we arm diller with a high velocity 4mm paintball gun with a night vision scope and put him in the rafters. anybody who talks or answers a cell phone during the movie gets one in the forehead. after the show, anyone with the "mark of caine" is fair game for those patrons sensible enough to pack heat to the theater.

we'll show art flix in the cinemagic -- we'll just call it the ritz 3 west -- it'll be months before their lawyers can slap a cease and decist on us. after which time we'll just change the name again to the Rats 3 West and nobody will realize.

-----Original Message-----
To: UnivCity@list.purple.com
Sent: 2/22/2005 10:50 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] Kicked out of The Bridge

Kyle Cassidy wrote:
> After recent bouts of _ADULTS_ complete misbehavior at the bridge,
> and I have just given up seeing movies there. We joined Neflix. Now we
> go to the bridge for the gunfights.

kyle, lets you and I start our own art movie house. where
that moribund slough art place is. we could show fassbinders
and hitchcocks and polanskis and bergmans and kubricks and
bugs bunny shorts. and give out discount coupons for the
metropolitan bakery. free admission for best sca costumes.
of course, any weaponry we'd confiscate would go to diller,
and ross could do his shadow puppet safety tips during
intermission. all we'd need is a fully-equiped bathhouse,
but I'm sure someone could help us with that. whaddya say?

[aka ray]
scrunch could sleep in the front window

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