All right you two, take it outside.

Jonathan A. Cass
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Elizabeth F. Campion
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] support local businesses: Mela-drama

"For the record, and to the list, let me say that I feel..." 
lots of 
coming "toward" me, from you, Melani, in this post and in most other

There is not "hatchett" to "bury".

Every once in a while, you (Melani) portray yourself as a victim of my
hostility and let me know that you are prepared to turn the other cheek,
and I usually reply that I am not comfortable with your need to define me
as a victimizer.  
I also let you know that I am not seeking friends from the subset of
humans who are devoid of a sense of humor.
As a professional, you are more than competant.
As a person, you affect me like chalk screeched across a blackboard. 
I consider us an oil and water mix.  

My post was tongue-in-cheek.
But, the reply you consider not "hostile" calls me petty, unprofessional
and volatile.
This is hostility, and consistent with the face you present to me at most
Few other people would call me petty; my career success could not happen
in a vacuum of professionalism; and I prefer passionate to volatile.
Your words and hostility are out there.
At best, you try to diminish me through invisibility (as in this mornings
post) or exclude me from "insider" information.
At worst... well, the list does not need to know.
There has been enough bad behavior on both sides, that it is hard to tell
any more what is cause and what effect.
But, rest assured, I am to busy to give you much thought, except when you
stick your neck out, as in today's posts.

As long as we are addressing hurtful posts, I'd like to take Ross to task
regarding one point in a recent post.  
I was hurt by the image he projected, of me, when describing an
Archemedes moment, but can let it pass, since I am hoping friends enjoyed
a laugh (I'm hoping for some it was an uncomfortable laugh) but I need to
object the description of me as "stoned".  I am a former addict.  I even
did coke with George W.  My husband and kids know that I survived drug
addiction.  They also know that some of my friends did not, and that
others have lives greatly reduced by prison or poor choices.  My family
and friends know that I don't want any of them experimenting with illegal
drugs.  My use is in the far distant past, before even Ross moved to this
neighborhood.  It ended long before I had children (the eldest is 18). 
But I don't want anyone thinking that I could do what I do, or achieve
what I have achieved, if stoned.  I don't want to enable others to deny
the problems of illegal drugs .  There are many better things to do with
time and money than to waste them on drugs.  So Ross, party on, but
please keep me drug-free.


On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 13:13:50 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> In a message dated 3/16/05 1:00:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > There is a long standing and some times hostile competition
> > between us.
> > 
> For the record, and to the list, let me say that I feel no hostility 
> toward 
> you, Liz.   And I have asked you more than once to bury the hatchet, 
> but you've 
> replied that you like things the way they are.   When we meet 
> professionally, 
> I appreciate that you are pleasant and helpful to my clients.   But, 
> putting 
> petty personal disagreements in front of the whole list only serves 
> to suggest 
> to our neighbors that they SHOULD choose a more professional, less 
> volatile, 
> business person, so I'm sorry that you see the need to do it.   
> Let's agree to disagree, and wave when we run into each other in the 
> local 
> restaurants!
> Thanks,
> Melani

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