Its a decison between Health vs. the almighty $$. I think
this is why the White Dog employees voted the way they did.
Also most are young and healthy.
Just my 5 cents

-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Siano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mar 18, 2005 12:37 PM
Cc: "''" <>
Subject: Re: [UC] No Smoking Bill, White Dog & Abbraccio

Gail Defendorf wrote:

> And the crap about treating your workers better, even though they have 
> to work around second-hand smoke is simply that: crap.  If the White 
> Dog was the Progressive Restaurant it thinks it is, it should have 
> banned smoking years ago. 

Considering that the decision was made among the employees, I'd say that 
the White Dog is already operating by far more progressive principles 
than a smoking ban would indicate.

I don't know Naomi at all, and I'm not exactly a White Dog booster 
(their burgers are good, though), but consider the following. She had to 
make a decision about a business policy that would have a substantial 
impact on the success or failure of her businss. And she _polled her 
employees_ to settle the issue. How often do we see this? I sure as hell 
didn't see it when I worked at the Thriftway. I don't see it here at 
Penn. This was a real and substantive issue, and Naomi has apparently 
followed good progressive principles in a way that most Liberals are 
famous for _failing_.

This is one of the most infuriating aspects of modern liberalism-- the 
ignoring of real and substantial progressive principles about actual 
political issues, in favor of arbitrary cultural signifiers. The 
Democrats can spend twenty years pretty much ignoring its labor base, 
and voting for further reductions in labor rights and worker 
protections...but liberals continue to support them. A company can run a 
virtual sweatshop, slash its benefits, and bust unions. But as long as 
they make little gestures towards Nice Things-- smoking bans, "green" 
advertising, maybe celebrations of diversity on MLK day, they're OK.

Personally, I hate smoking, but this moral posing on Gail's part is just 
as revolting.

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