Title: Re: [UC] No Smoking Bill, White Dog & Abbraccio
...don't underestimate your customers....??

-----Original Message-----
From: "S. Sharrieff Ali"
Sent: Mar 18, 2005 1:07 PM
To: 'Naomi' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 'Jonathan Cass' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 'Vincent/Roger' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "'UnivCity@list.purple.com'"
Subject: RE: [UC] No Smoking Bill, White Dog & Abbraccio

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I didn’t want to reply but I think this example is relevant.


I not sure how many of you are familiar with LaColombe

coffee house on 19th and Walnut Street, but it was THE

2nd Smokiest place on the planet..in my opinion. I would

stop there to pick up coffee (when I was drinking coffee)

and 90% ..no exaggeration..of the people there were smoking

something. The café draws a Center-City Euro crowd, and as

most of us know, Europe IS the smokiest place on the planet!

You could cut the smoke with a knife in that café any day of the



The owner Todd Carmichael personally stopped smoking and

for a multitude of reasons banned smoking at LaColombe. Well,

everyone thought it would be the end of the café and yes, some

customers were pissed. But guess what, if you stop in there today,

the tables are still full of customers and it has not hurt their business

at all. Many of the same people are there and they have gained a new

non-smoking client base. Todd gained a tremendous amount of respect

by making LaColombe smoke-free.


The moral to the story is…….




-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Naomi
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 12:15 PM
To: Jonathan Cass; 'Vincent/Roger'; UnivCity@list.purple.com
Subject: Re: [UC] No Smoking Bill, White Dog & Abbraccio


I think you missed the part where I explained that our bar and wait staff helped us make the decision to have limited smoking hours. They felt it was too great a financial risk (for them and for the business) to completely ban smoking based on our clientele and location. And again, we were in FAVOR of the ban. We want all bars and restaurants to not have to make the tough decision of either income or health. If all of them are non-smoking, it’s a non-issue.


on 3/18/05 11:39 AM, Jonathan Cass at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hmm -- I don't mean to be harsh Naomi, but that sounds like a big fat justification to me:  "Hey, we treat our staff better than most other restaurants so it is okay that we subject them to a known carcinogen."

The White Dog permitting smoking is akin to a pharmacy selling cigarettes.

Jonathan A. Cass
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Naomi
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 10:24 AM
To: Vincent/Roger; UnivCity@list.purple.com
Subject: [UC] No Smoking Bill, White Dog & Abbraccio

Vincent is right, we are not 100% non-smoking. But  Abbraccio and the White Dog, although we are only 1 mile apart, have very  different surroundings as far as competition and customer base.

As we  are located in the heart of the campus and surrounded by 3 other bars that all  offer smoking all the time at their bars, we agonized over the decision to go  smoke-free for years before we finally came to a compromise decision a year  ago. This decision came from many discussions with our bar staff, wait staff  that works in the main bar and seasonal patio area, and our customers. We  decided to ban all smoking except for in our main bar from 10pm - 2am and on  the seasonal patio. (We have never allowed smoking in the restaurant or at our  piano bar.) Our late night customers threatened to go elsewhere if smoking was  banned entirely and our staff (many of whom are non-smokers) were worried  that, without customers, their incomes would be drastically reduced. Our late  night crowd is mostly graduate students, hospital staff and neighbors - many  of whom smoke. With 3 other bars offering smoking on our block, we felt that  we couldn't completely go smoke free without seriously hurting business - and  our staffs' income. The partial smoke-free decision did hurt financially us,  but we felt that the calculated loss was for the best for our employees'  health and for the well being of our customers.

Prior to this decision,  we extensively looked into ventilation systems that would draft the smoke out  of the room more quickly but being in a very old building that has already  been retrofitted for kitchen equipment, we didn't have many options. So we use  the hood over the grill station to vent it out and have the incoming air  positioned to bring in fresh air as quickly as possible. We also, whenever  possible, offer additional seating away from the main bar for those that don't  want to be near the second-hand smoke.

We really wanted to see this  bill go through so that all the bars were on an even playing field - we even  sent one of our employees to testify an the council hearings for this bill. It  was really difficult for us and for our employees to have to choose between  physically healthy and financially healthy decisions. Elizabeth is right, we  do have a choice. We could go completely smoke free on principal and hurt the  financial balance of the restaurant and hurt our employees financial  well-being (which they have told us they can not afford), or we could  compromise and allow smoking in 1 of our eight dining rooms for 4 hours a day.  

I think making sure the White Dog is here next year and that our  employees can support themselves is worth a small compromise. We support 100+  employees with a living wage (starting at a min. $8/hr - instead of minimum  wage - $5.??/hr). We offer healthcare and dental insurance, a retirement plan,  an emergency sunshine fund,  free bank checking plan, help with their  taxes, an interest-free computer loan program, reimbursement for smoking  cessation programs (their choice), a workplace giving fund and, of course  discounted and free food (that's sustainable, local and fresh), drinks and  admission to our events - including international travel with our sister  restaurant program. Our staff is treated better than most restaurants and we  always keep their best interests at heart when making decisions. Keeping the  business financially viable is in the best interest of all 100 employees, not  just the folks working late night who want the big tipping smokers to sit at  our bar.

Anyone who has been in the restaurant business can understand  that there is a lot more to running a restaurant than just the food. It's a  delicate balance with a small profit margin. This bill would have helped put  everyone on the same playing field and we will support it when it is  reintroduced.


on 3/17/05 10:41 PM, Vincent/Roger at  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


>> If you have a list of nonsmoking  restaurants and bars, pass it on.
>> Please. I need some places to  eat.

I'm writing in response to the many postings regarding the  non-smoking ban.
As someone who this directly affects, I think I have a  right to speak about
it.  Unlike even The White Dog(!), Abbraccio  is a totally non-smoking
restaurant on the interior, altho we do allow  and try to accommodate smokers
on the outside porch (we even operate  portable outdoor heaters in cool
weather.).  As a businessman who  has invested over a million dollars in
trying to better the neighborhood  I want to be accommodating to ALL of my
potential  customers.

We are non-smoking inside because we made the  conscious decision to be
family-friendly.  Yet, I can't afford to  alienate all others individuals.
Do any of you know that Nutter's bill  includes a codicle that there must be
no smoking within 16' of the  building (thus no smoking on our porch either,
if the bill is  passed)?

Knowing the importance of all of this I have avidly  followed reports that
California legislation regarding smoking seems to  work because warm weather
and the availability of smoking on outdoor  terraces, while in New York
compliance is only face value.  If  there can't even be outside smoking, what
then will be the compliance  and what is the cost of trying to identify
compliance with these  issues?

I smoked for way too many years and don't anymore,  but I don't think we
should hatchet people that may need to; where do we  look to alternatives and

The restaurant  industry is already saddled with a bogus city drink tax to
supposedly  supports the school system (if it really was collected properly
it would  cover 10% of the school costs) and now no-smoking-- make these
issues  state-wide so at least we have a fair advantage over the restaurants  
across the city line which also were cheaper built as a result of the  unions
(but don't get me started on that again!).

Anyway  come to Abbraccio:  smoke free indoors (except for the wood burning  
fireplace)- at least for now you can smoke on the porch (which I think  
allows options) and help build up my bar business (which without smoking  is
hard to do!)  We love this neighborhood and city but sometimes  feel that
restrictions are hard on business, business that the city  should be

Vincent Whittacre

Abbraccio  Restaurant

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White Dog Cafe                    
3420  Sansom St, Philadelphia, PA 19104                  
(215) 386-9224 x105                 

The  Black Cat Gift Shop
3426 Sansom St, Philadelphia, PA 19104


White Dog Cafe                   
3420 Sansom St, Philadelphia, PA 19104                 
(215) 386-9224 x105                

The Black Cat Gift Shop
3426 Sansom St, Philadelphia, PA 19104

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