Yeah right. "Decorative grass". Heh. Heard that one before. What are you raising there, Widyono, Panama Red? Hmm? Little BC Bud? Some decorative Colombian mixed in with the trailing arbutus, and the wisterias, and the travelling bamboos?
Ross Bender
In a message dated 4/12/2005 5:03:45 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I got slapped with this, some decorative grass in the front lawn apparently
was not liked by a neighbor (who still hasn't come clean to let me know it
was them who contacted the police to complain, without ever complaining to me
first).  *I* got the ticket FOUR MONTHS after it was written up.  The
timestamp on the envelope proves it.  No deal, they wanted their money.  I
wasn't about to fight all the way to a judge, I'd wasted enough time trying
to reason with the Finance department (a.k.a. Collection Agency).

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