Seriously, dude, there is something wrong with that house of yours. I'm guessing what you need is an all-night exorcism in your vacant lot. Chanting, loud holy music, finger cymbals, tambourines, drums, the works.
Only problem is, man, the problem might actually be YOU -- just saying this because you seem to tend to attract all manner of evil sprites no matter where you go. If this is the case, exorcising the house won't really do any good. May have to call in the Jesuits.
Ross Bender
In a message dated 4/18/2005 1:23:18 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Sometime yesterday we had an incident.

We have a friend who was starting a thrift store, so we'd left several boxes of donation on the back porch for her to pick up at her leisure. Yesterday someone found their way into the back yard, ripped open the boxes and smashed the contents against the side of our house. there's a VCR in tiny little pieces in my driveway, a bunch of flower pots smashed against the side of the house -- and their rain of destruction  didn't stop there, they smashed in two of my windows. then they bothered to ripped out the garden lighting, carried those out into the vacant lot and smashed them (looks like they crushed them between two cinder blocks pulled out of the retaining wall). since there are holes dug all over the vacant lot around the pieces and a bunch of sticks buried upright in the ground making some sort of ... castle, i'm guessing it wasn't the suspicious loitering dog walker we were warned of but rather the same bunch of 8 year olds who have been playing out in the lot for the past couple weeks.

it's depressing. and that lot is freaking driving me crazy. i want to get it fenced in.

i'd clean it up, but i'm plum out of trash cans.

is there any benefit of reporting this? i'm certianly not going to waste a police officer's time pointing out where my lovely though laborously installed garden lighting system was ripped out of the ground (pausing to brush away a tear while explaining how this will affect the mood of my garden parties) and how cats can now enter and leave at their leisure through my broken windows, but does UCD keep stats or something that i should be adding to for the well being of my neighbors?


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