Bruce..what are you..a bully? You continue to make references
to me on this list trying to goat me into an argument or somehow
insinuate that I am watching everyone's post, are wrong
again. You have already embarrassed yourself through your private 
post to me and your past list references to me so I suggest the 
Simply said...Don't make references to me at all.
That is all I am going to say for need for a reply..just stop.
Here is a web-site you will probably enjoy:

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of B Andersen
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: [UC] We're Paying This Loopy Bryn Mawr Student $180,000???

Look, we know that Ross won't make any apologies for his seemingly
insensitive remarks. What surprises me is that the listserve sherriff
hasn't called him to the carpet for posting non-UC related topics to the
UC list.

This whole saga is a story of bad judgement all around, and is a good
example of how draconian our law enforcement can be. The student in
question may have made a silly choice by putting the stuff in her
baggage, but it's pretty clear that law enforcement over reacted and got
their facts wrong. Was she targeted because she was Asian, maybe. Did
she get different treatment afterwards than others may have because of
who she was, probably ... but that's all speculation.

In Philadelphia, we tolerate poor political leadership and management -
and this is just another example of how it comes back to haunt us. 

<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: 

Please keep on trying to mold your assumptions into a logical point.  So
now you're saying flour filled condoms should have been erroneously
ID'ed as bomb materials if she perhaps was wearing a head covering and
looked "Arab?"  And that if that were the case, you'd criticize her for
being so stupid as to cause officials to make a mistake.  Oh, and by the
way, David Oh is not some tall building fat cat lawyer.  In fact, he
lives more in Craig's territory than UC.

And please don't forget Wen Ho Lee, who's eyes and lawyers did not
suffice to keep him out of isolation, without bail, as a bona fide
national security threat for nothing.  It was pretty apparent that his
being Asian was a key piece of evidence against him.

And did you note the equally off base comment to the blog saying the
inflexible city solicitor would not settle anytime soon?  So did that
person retract?

To be on target, you have to go after the city first, really.

-----Original Message-----

Sent: Tue, 9 Jan 2007 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] We're Paying This Loopy Bryn Mawr Student $180,000???

She is of the Asian persuasion --  (see story below). My point is and
was that if she had looked anything like an Arab, Homeland Security
would have whisked her off to Gitmo without further ado. The issue was
not so much that she might have been carrying drugs as that she might
have been carrying bomb materials. But those hotsy-totsy princesses with
the Mongolian eyefolds and expensive lawyers who go to Bryn Mawr get
special treatment. I still say she should apologize and give back the
money. "Stress bag" and "hall tea" my ass. 

December 29, 2005

A Philadelphia Story

posted by Dave Hoffman

This story  <> from
the Philadelphia Inquirer caught my eye. (And gave me an opportunity to
steal a picture from Dan's airline screening playset post.) Janet Lee, a
Bryn Mawr student, was on her way home from the holidays. At the
Philadelphia Int'l Airport, she was arrested because her checked bags
contained condoms full of flour, which the police mistakenly identified
in two field tests as cocaine and amphetamines. According to Lee, she
and hall-mates had created the bags as stress balls as an exam-time gag.
The system held Lee in jail for three weeks on $500,000 bail:

Lee acted tough to protect herself. She did modern-dance moves to keep
limber. Inmates saw this and gossiped: "Everyone thought I knew karate
because I'm Asian." She certainly didn't discourage the stereotype. 
Inmates saw the high volume of visitors and figured she was important.
Again, she did not discourage the notion. She did not tell her cell
mates that the visitors were actually volunteers from Catholic churches
in Philadelphia who had taken up her cause.
The volunteers helped her hire [a lawyer, and former prosecutor, named
David] Oh.
"I believed her story because things just didn't add up," Oh said. For
one thing, Oh said, the field tests were odd because they detected the
presence of not one drug but three.
"People don't mix drugs like that," Oh said.
First, Oh contacted Bryn Mawr and confirmed that Lee's dorm mates had,
in fact, made the condoms together during a pre-exam session they call a
"hall tea."
Then, Oh said, he called Assistant District Attorney Charles Ehrlich,
who agreed to expedite laboratory tests. Ehrlich also agreed to help
seek reduced bail, Oh said. A day after the new test came back and
confirmed that the substance was flour, Lee was released.
She flew home first class.

There are a few notable things about this story. The draconian D.A.'s
office (all considered) gave Lee a huge break because of her connections
- a social capital that most defendants do not have. It is also
surprising (and heartening) that Philadelphia Airport is screening
luggage well enough to catch this (potential contraband). I also wonder
about the remarkably high bail set for a college student who had no
prior record that we know about, and the jail authorities apparent
decision not to put her into protective custody. On the other hand, I'm
not surprised at all at the error with the tests. I wonder if the police
department has studied the false positive rate carefully. 
Needless to say, Lee has now filed a civil rights claim against the
police (and probably a claim against the city for their poor
drug-testing training). Given her story, the City should settle. But
knowing the City Solicitor's inflexible litigation strategy, I doubt
they will anytime soon. 
Posted by Dave Hoffman at December 29, 2005 11:20 AM

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Maybe she was held with such a high bail because her story is so stupid.
I understand that I've been out of college for awhile, but I find it
strange that college women would put flour in condoms to make "stress
balls" and then be so enamored with them that they packed some to take
home for the holidays.
Would we be so sympathetic of a different defendant held for having a
homemade non-bomb in his suitcase that looked a lot like a homemade
bomb? Why do you think she should have been put in protective custoday?
Because she's a college girl? If all defendants held in jail are
presumed innocent, why would some be more presumed than others?
Posted by: Christine <>  at December 29,
2005 01:11 PM


Well, that may well be true, but my point was we should proceed from
facts, not assumptions.  And please don't forget the really erroneous
assumption was that made by the police.  As you no doubt know very well,
people make lots of stupid mistakes that trigger more stupid police
mistakes, except the police are the ones with the badges, guns and
cuffs.  So the question is, even if someone makes a "stupid" mistake, do
you go after her for being stupid (and doing nothing illegal), or the
cops for making a bad bust (or worse)?  

If I had a choice between criticizing a civilian for being naive vs a
police department and DA for getting the facts wrong, I wouldn't go
after the civilian first.  

For all you know, she is Black and that is why they didn't believe her.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 9 Jan 2007 2:47 PM
Subject: RE: [UC] We're Paying This Loopy Bryn Mawr Student $180,000???

I think the point of the complexion remark was that had she been Black
she would still be incarcerated and we would not have heard her story.
And as far as income:  if the cross section of gender and income are
obvious, then it is obvious that it is something that you don't have to
think about in your daily life.  As a AFAM woman I would have never
taken a chance like that, that my life might not have recovered and in
addition have been rewarded for my own stupidity.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 2:22 PM 
Subject: Fwd: [UC] We're Paying This Loopy Bryn Mawr Student $180,000???
At the risk of taking a Ross message seriously when it's not:
  1.  Your city's police lab erroneously thought flour was coke, and has
yet to explain how they messed that up, which as I understand it is why
she was held that long in custody.  Maybe the police chemist was the one
who was stealing drugs from the cops.
     2.  She's a Bryn Mawr student from California, which really tells
you nothing about how privileged she is, at least in conventional usage.
     3.  How did you figure out her complexion?


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, 9 Jan 2007 9:49 AM
Subject: Re: [UC] We're Paying This Loopy Bryn Mawr Student $180,000???
On 1/8/07, Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Remember when you had to be smart to get into college? 
Well it's not just that. It's the idea of MY city paying money we
desperately need to some overprivileged Main Line floozyette with an
expensive lawyer who, had she been the wrong complexion, would now be
spending time in Gitmo for pulling a trick like that. 

Ross Bender 


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Ross Bender 

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