GET-UP!! Great name. GET-UP off your latte-drinking arses and get a job.

I'm not sure if I even mean that but it's the first thing that came into my empty little head, so, maybe I do.


On Feb 27, 2007, at 08:46 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Something else from today's DP. This, from an article about the continuing battle being fought by Penn Grad Students for enough of a stipend to pay for the escalating costs of living in University City (and this is before the onerous NID surcharge on their rents).

Note below that NONID has frequently pointed out Dr Gutmann's hypocrisy in preaching "deliberative democracy" then structuring the University's entire relationship with the neighborhood as a patronizing pseudo-partnership in which the self-congratulatory elite decide what's best for the benighted bezonians here in the boondocks.

Al Krigman
Left of Ivan Grozny ®
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But some graduate students find Gutmann's position hypocritical.

She "writes all these books about deliberative democracy and how you have to sit down with people and how a democratic institution should be based on people having conversations and solving our issues together," said Tatjana Scheffler, a fourth-year SAS graduate student and GET-UP secretary.

Scheffler said that, by not meeting with GET-UP, Gutmann is not practicing what she preaches.

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