In a message dated 4/29/07 8:22:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Let me be a witness, yes Melani, you have given a tremendous amount of time 
> to our community,
>  however, beyond many of us, you benefit in a very different way due to the 
> fact you “sell”
>  this community for a living..and judging from you advertised sales success, 
> to the tune of many
>  $$$$$$$. Enlightened self interest? Penn doesn’t have the market cornered 
> on that one!
Sharrieff, what is this supposed to mean?   Many folks in this neighborhood 
hire their neighbors, or buy one anothers' local products or services.   We 
have locally owned restaurants which are generous with their community 
contributions - but then community people come to eat in their restaurants.   
We have 
contractor neighbors who get involved in community projects - but then, 
neighbors know about them and may choose them to build a new porch, sand a 
floor, or 
paint a house.   We have attorney neighbors who offer advice - but also gain 
clients from neighborhood networking.   I'm hardly alone in working in the 
neighborhood where I live.   This is supposed to be a GOOD thing.   Surely you 
don't prefer out-of-the-area agents coming in, and then taking their real 
sales commissions elsewhere, rather than spending their money in the 
neighborhood where it was earned?

> In a message dated 4/29/07 8:22:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>  Irrational fear? I think not. Look around you…look at our city, look at the 
> incidents of crime in our
>  community over the last two years. Is it really wise to create the spin 
> which says “it’s really not
>  too bad, it is not as bad as Center City?”  Is it wise to ignore the 
> stickers, banners and vandalism
>  and blame it all on “frat-boys” and “track-stars”?
In a message dated 4/29/07 3:26:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Fear is not good for sales right?  Well the lack of fear will get you 
> killed! 
> Heads up?
Actually, if a real estate licensee is publicizing fear because of change - 
i.e., "the neighborhood is changing; you should be worried" - then that person 
is doing a highly illegal thing - it's called blockbusting.   Perhaps you 
hadn't thought about it from that point of view.

In a message dated 4/29/07 8:22:39 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Melani…I noticed you removed the “sales” signature from your e-mail post 
> when you replied.
>  If you want me to be truthful..than I will. I wish all the “sales people” 
> who have invaded this
>  “community discussion listserv” would save all your “sales” for when your 
> not on this list!! ..
This has come up before, Sharrieff, and it's one of the few things Liz 
Campion and I have publicly agreed on:   PA laws are pretty strict about real 
licensees identifying themselves in written material, so that they don't take 
advantage of PA consumers.   If I'm writing anything remotely connected with 
the real estate business, I make a point to include my signature so there can 
be no question.   I don't need to include the part about my sales, but it's an 
automatic signature, and if I'm busy, I often forget to remove it.   Sorry 
about the sales part, but the ID part has to stay.


Melani Lamond, Associate Broker
Urban & Bye, Realtor
3529 Lancaster Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19104
cell phone 215-356-7266
office phone 215-222-4800, ext. 113
office fax 215-222-1101

 See what's free 

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