Thought I might pass on to you another attempted blow to  transparency, 
during the building of a shared community vision.
In a message dated 5/18/2007 6:57:58 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, (and sent  
offlist) person X writes:

#)         Search Results - Public View   
Your search produced the following results. Click  any underlined name to 
view a more detailed individual listing.

_Search  Again_ 
Name Affiliation - Title/major
Organization Contact      _ZITCER,  ANDREW W_ 
Staff - Cultural Asset  Manager   Facilities And Real Estate  Services

Nothing like Penn justifying its branding efforts using its own hack,  
without full disclosure. And, much shame on this local rag, City Paper, for  
to perform due diligence, when publishing commentary.
Maybe Rosso is available to fill an apparent managing editor vacancy?
Maybe Herr Goebbels has moved to the UCD, to help gobble up the Hood?
PS:    thanks sweetie

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