Best part:

"This was not a Knox rally. This was a community rally. I asked nobody to do anything for a Knox rally. I asked them to do it for a community fair in the park where we had a church rally," said Blackwell.

and then:

"I'm telling the head of the UCD Board and anybody concerned, if you have a problem with my politics, come to me. I make my decisions about who I endorse," said Blackwell.

Wow. Contradictory as well as arrogant.

Community service workers shouldn't be working for a church either, as far as I'm concerned.


On May 22, 2007, at 11:57 PM, S. Sharrieff Ali wrote:

John Fenton is now Tom Fenton and Lewis Wendell we all know is

now Wendell Lewis according to Al.

The story was broadcast on Action News Channel 6 tonight at 11PM.

The Community Service Program in the University City District has been suspended,

and one of the top administrators placed on administrative leave pending an internal


A spokesman for the Knox campaign says they had no knowledge that students doing

community service were allegedly used to set up for the appearance.

The spokesman added they would have been totally against it if they had known.


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