In a message dated 5/29/2007 11:18:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

I am a  big supporter of having bars on your first floor or any windows that 
someone  can gain access to.  If you don't want to have them mounted on the 
house,  get the indoor ones that you can put up yourself, put a lock on them 
keep  the key to the lock somewhere close enough that you can get to it if 
you need  to get out quickly, but not so close that someone could try to reach 
in to get  it. 

We have bars on the first floor windows of all our apartment buildings, and  
some on upper floors if there's easy access (e.g., a porch roof). We believe 
--  based on anecdotal rather than statistical evidence -- that most break-ins  
in a neighborhood like ours are not a result of someone being targeted, but 
are  targets of opportunity. And a miscreant is likely to pass up a building 
with  bars of any sort in favor of something that looks much easier.
City codes require that if there are bars on bedroom windows, that they can  
be easily and quickly opened from the inside -- without a key. This is a rule  
you should follow -- most fire fatalities occur in bedrooms.
There are relatively inexpensive interior bars (Monarch Hardware, Home  
Depot, somethimes the Second Mile Center have them) that swing open. They have 
latch that's not readily accessible from the outside.  

Al (they call  me Mr Helpful) Krigman

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