I just noticed the Subject line, "... do not be like us".
And thought, more people should be like Sean and Charlene.
They took a hit, identified what could have been done better and shared a
warning and constructive suggestions with their neighbors, including
neighbors they do not know (yet).
There are no ideal solutions.
Perhaps the safest offset backup on the planet were the vaults and
computers below the World Trade Center, until 9/11.
At which point data, priceless photos (including Kennedy family archives)
and the contents of private Safe Deposit boxes were lost forever.
Some crime is a 'phase', or driven by temporary need.
Some catchall solutions just provide a finishing school to
professionalize criminality and a record which can limit a career path to
a life of crime.
Some 'victims' mature in ways that could never occur without incidents of
loss and suffering.
The grace notes of compassion, personal accountability and forgiveness
strengthen our social bonds.
'Victims" can be paradigms of resiliency, endurance, or success.
An attempt to replicate lost photos may lead to kindness or art.
Others may copy and send photos they took or received.
A memory of a favorite photo may lead to replication by pen, pencil,
collage, stained glass, poetry or music.
A talented artist can extrapolate backward or forward to capture a
fleeting moment of beauty or pleasure.
I will hope and pray that Sean and Charlene recover most of their
possessions and enjoyment of their home and that more of us respond to
adversity as they did.

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