Frank wrote:
You're still not making sense. In the theoretical example *you* (not Ray) originally used, the decision about what content to teach was made by the agency, not by UCD. UCD's support would theoretically be forthcoming no matter what content was chosen. Any public complaint would have to be directed to the agency in question since UCD would be content-neutral.

I'm going to repeat what I said before: You seem to be mired in traditional method of communication and to believe that they are the *only* way things work. Seriously, you use the word "must" more than anyone I can remember. You make pronouncements about the way things "are" which completely disregard different methods of communication than the ones, if I can presume, you work best in.

Important decisions *do* get made without all of the parties involved talking face to face. I am reminded particularly of my involvement in Provincetown Community Television and the Provincetown Cable Advisory Board. Most of our negotiations, even controversial ones, with both Comcast and Outer Cape Television happened through email. The parties involved were just too geographically separate to be in the same place at the same time very often. I didn't know much when I started with them but I learned and eventually taught at our Community Television Station.

yes, you get it. what I meant by ucd being neutral and not taking sides.

in the example I cited, ucd took sides once the zoning question became a dispute among neighbors; gail fisher, as a ucd staffer, posted on phillyblog to support one side [apparently online communications ARE useful, SOME of the time :-)] this was all documented here, onlist, months ago.

I pointed out at the time that ucd should have stepped aside once the zoning question became a dispute among neighbors before the zoning board, because ucd is not a stakeholder in the same way that the competing neighbors are. in response, melani pointed out that since ucd helped with getting dock street at the firehouse, we shouldn't expect ucd to be neutral. but when I asked her for particulars about how and when ucd helped dock street get installed at the firehouse, she did not answer [again, online communications are useful, some of the time :-)].

what I don't understand in all this is the expectation that we can have it both ways. we're supposed to accept how 'involved' ucd is in our public lives, but at the same time we're not supposed to look too closely, to ask too many questions.

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]

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