Anthony West wrote:
Let us frame it as a true dichotomy instead.

why even insist on a dichotomy? I've just finished reading a bunch of posts by various people on this list who have come up with a variety of responses about 'where to go from here,' and it sure doesn't look like options need to be mutually exclusive.

here's what I've got so far, a quick scrape from posts made on the list since the morning's announcement:

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Community members raised three motions, all of which passed with scarcely a dissenting voice.

(glenn:) We, at the first Thursday meeting, insist that UCD make full disclosures of policies and processes to facilitate transparency and accountability appropriate for a special services district.

Freda made the motion to retain John Fenton.

Sharrieff made the motion to facilitate a community forum about this issue so that the community might ask all questions directly to UCD.

The UC-Review has volunteered to moderate the community meeting with a suggested location of Rosenberger Hall. It would be wise for representatives of the Board of UCD to participate as well as the trustees committees of the institutions represented. 20 people signed to participate in a committee to organize the meeting.

I certainly hope that stakeholders in the UCD, both institutional and individual will attend and that there can be some productive feedback.

If the major share holders of a special service district really want community engagement, in the future; we must be included in honest and transparent processes and the organization must have accountable and competent leadership.

So, UCD: what's wrong with agreeing that Fenton had made a mistake, and letting him get back to his excellent work a bit wiser?

How do we thank John Fenton? Can his job and reputation be saved? Should we save his job? lose UCD? settle for what we get (and thus deserve)?

How do we prevent the further co opting of UC by Politics, Penn?

Do we support any person or initiative at UCD?

I think the shareholders and we resident stakeholders would be better served if they got rid of the existing Board and Executive staff and rehired John to focus on the street cleaning.

One possible outcome could be, hypothetically, for all parties who can't imagine life without John Fenton to create a corporation, the University City Clean-n-Safe Co., and to pool the money they would otherwise have given to UCD into this new organization.
a link to an interesting piece from the University of Texas on corporate ethics and corporate governance. Much of it is relevant to the issue current in UC on UCD

The problem now is who really coordinates the UCD and to whom is it answerable.

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[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West

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