Out of all the responses, I think it most interesting that this "imposter"
of Glenn could still be listening to everything that we type about him/her,
and could still be responding under a different assumed name.

I am not agreeing or disagreeing with anything said before or now. No
opinion of the subject whatsoever, just finding it slightly amusing.

Dan Myers

On 6/6/07, Brian Siano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Glenn wrote:

> Let me explain the arrogance of the poster.  The poster was trying to
> frame me.  I have been very clear that I blame UCD policy and secrecy
> for recent media reports and not Councilwoman Blackwell or John
> Fenton.  The hubris of the poster shows as he tries to destroy my
> credibility, of course, but also make it look like I was trying to
> embarass the councilwoman too.

I have no idea who this committeeperson poster is-- tho I suspect that
I'm a suspect.

But the _reason_ that Glenn's name turned up in that message's header is
extremely simple. Committeeman did what many of us probably do-- to post
to the list, we reply to an existing note. Sometimes we change the
subject line. But, as has been pointed out before, the message header
_still contains_ the note it replies to-- thus, the presence of the text
string "glenn" in the header.

In other words; just as this was not evidence that Glenn was spamming
the list, it is also not evidence that someone was trying to "frame"
him. (It would be a pretty unreliable way of framing anyone, anyway.)

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to the power of breathing,
Dan Myers
Intuitive Masseur

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