Open note to Sharrieff:
Sorry that I have other commitments tomorrow night and can't make the  
meeting you've called at Walnut West Library.
In lieu of being there (and to stimulate dialog), I'd like to urge that the  
focus be strictly on problems of UCD as it's now being run and the  community. 
Things like transparency, decisions having to do with implementing  visions 
of planning and development that many stakeholders in the areas do  not share, 
the real or perceived usurping of what should be government  responsibilities 
with respect to security, litter abatement, events and  activities in public 
spaces, etc. Connected with these issues are questions  which should be on the 
minds of people from whom UCD solicits voluntary  contributions -- such as the 
cost-effectiveness of programs (litter and the  ambassadors cost over $1.4 
million each last year ... could this money  be spent with more impact through 
better management?) or through  expenditures that seem to serve no purpose 
except shameless self-promotion of  UCD (like the silly "report card" they just 
mailed out).
Likewise, there are issues to be discussed having to do with what Penn  
either naively or facetiously calls its "partnership" with the community. It  
no partnership, regardless of what definition of that relationship some  Penn 
Trustee who drove all the way from DC for a First Thursday meeting tried to  
intimidate me by saying he could supply. All Penn does, really, is spend money 
 on local projects Glenn Bryan's boss thinks are "terrific" -- some on its 
own  and some by giving dough to people who will implement its agenda. This is 
no  partnership. For instance, how many of the immigrant merchants being kicked 
out  of 40th Street between Walnut and Market think that what's happening 
there is a  partnership?
If the question of a NID is ever to be resurrected, UCD (and Penn -- who  are 
clearly the driving force) would certainly have to be much more  "of" as 
opposed to simply "in" the community before it would have the foundation  to 
formulate such an initiative and surely before it could even pretend to  be 
suitable for serving as the NIDMA.
Well, you get the picture. Good luck with having something positive emerge  
from the meeting. And, if any Penn or UCD people attend, don't let them hijack  
it the way they did with the charades known as the "40th Street Forums."  

Always at  your service & ready for a dialog,
Al Krigman -- 36-year local resident,  housing provider, curmudgeon, and 
all-around  doubter.

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