Barry never really participated in this list.serv, as I recall.  Rather, his 
partner, Mike Hardy used to post to the list, but unsubscribed after one of the 
mass defections of many list.servers back in the early 2000's.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Wilma de Soto<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  To: Brian Siano<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  Cc: UnivCity listserv<> 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 9:04 PM
  Subject: Re: [UC] "Committee meeting" on the 13th at Walnut West

  Does anyone ever recall any email on this listserv from Barry Grossbach (who
  is a major component in the initiatives that has affected the economic and
  physical development) inviting the community to participate with regard to
  any major community initiatives?

  I highly respect Barry and all he has done to develop the area, but has he
  ever posted anything so as we could participate before all has been said and

  Sharrieff may not be all one expects, but at least he has given notice.

  Perhaps we are just arguing amongst ourselves and spinning our wheels, while
  all has been decided.

  On 6/13/07 3:58 PM, "Brian Siano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]<mailto:[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>> wrote:

  > Dave Axler wrote:
  >> Brian, Sharrieff, & Co.:
  >> To quote again from the same mail sent by Sharrieff: "This is a
  >> committee meeting for those who already joined and those who want to
  >> join. ... All are welcomed to hear what is happening, but we will
  >> conduct a committee meeting."
  >> Yes, it's a planning meeting, as you point out -- it's not the grand
  >> community-wide forum that may result from all the planning. Yes, it
  >> has " agenda and direction..." which Sharrieff describes as
  >> "...creating a process."
  >> My email referred to what the committee will be doing, not to the end
  >> result of their work. I'm sorry that you weren't able to make that
  >> distinction when you said, "Maybe you people are missing something
  >> important here....It _is_ not going to be a large public meeting at
  >> which public policy is to be debated."
  > No, your email referred to Sharrieff's scheduling of _this_ meeting.
  >> If the planning process itself is not conducted in an open and
  >> reasonably inclusive manner, then the results of that planning will be
  >> suspect. That may be an unfortunate side-effect of the planning
  >> process, but it is not an issue that should be dismissed with snarky
  >> straw-man references to "the agoraphobic community," "chi energies,"
  >> and "bio-geographical deficiencies."
  > If you can explain how to have a meeting where every single person in
  > University City can attend-- free of scheduling conflicts, access
  > issues, and the like for several thousand residents-- please, by all
  > means, educate us. Otherwise, drop the pretense of lecturing about
  > "inclusiveness" by demanding that others meet impossibly Utopian goals.
  > Why? Because it's nothing more than an insult to the people who are
  > actually _trying_ to establish such a process. Sharrieff wants to get a
  > meeting together to begin to address issues with UCD. He sets a date, a
  > time, he gets a place to meet, and he starts asking people to attend.
  > Obviously, not everybody's going to be able to attend; but your
  > complaints amount to saying, "You haven't accommodated all the people
  > who _can't_ make that date. You haven't even _tried_ to be
  > all-inclusive." It's an _empty_ complaint, usually made so one can
  > congratulate oneself on being more "inclusive" without having to try to
  > do better.
  > ----
  > You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the
  > list named "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see
  > <<>>.

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