Ross Bender wrote:
What really bugs me about her razzamatazz is the fact that while I've lived here 22 years as of June 2, I didn't notice any sudden magical transformation when she blew into town. As other long and longer-term residents have been witnessing on this list, this has always been a pretty fine place to live, and lots of people have made it that way. A million-dollar flackette waving her wand and puffing herself apparently has made a big impression on some gullible folks, but I just don't see it that way.

Penn/UCD badmouths this neighborhood to this day. Penn still markets itself by exaggerating how they singlehandedly waived their magic wand and turned this "post industrial wasteland" of ten years ago into the heaven-on-earth we see now. And now, as Ross pointed out, they've even wrote a book about it. UCD still implies that without them, all that we now see is a mere mirage that will disappear as if someone pulled the plug on the TV.

As if the neighborhood was a mere abandoned shell, or worse, were full of residents who were too lazy, or stupid, or both, to do anything about the "horrible" conditions without the all-knowing Penn there to ride in and rescue everyone. And as if the same economic changes were not happening in places that did not have Penn's beneficence bestowed upon them.

amen and amen.

the whole premise of 'out of the ivory tower and into the streets' is that there's a 'crisis' on the streets. but it seems that those in the ivory tower who get to name and solve this 'crisis' don't really get out of the ivory tower:

btw the other week at clark park I spotted a used condom, right under a farmers market table. what those farmers must think of us!

[aka laserbeam®]
[aka ray]
  "It is very clear on this listserve who
   these people are. Ray has admitted being
   connected to this forger."  -- Tony West

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