In a message dated 6/14/07 3:54:43 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Stop mincincing around. You can either show it or you're making it up. And 
> making something up is what's called lying and makes the person who does it a 
> liar.
>  Show it and I'll certainly post a humble apology saying that what you said 
> I "announced" was true and I was mistaken in my claim that you were not just 
> being nasty, but mendacious, too.
>  Al Krigman
Dear Krigman, Al

I hereby offer all apologies due.   You're right, I'm sure:   I must have 
made it up!   How else could I have misunderstood your many UCD and Wendell 
posts so badly?   Or was it Wendell Mellman?   Mellman Lewis?   Mellman 
Wendell?   I do know that it wasn't Lewis Lewis.   I don't know how you keep it 
straight.   Do you think it's information overload related to my old age?   
Like Bender, who really lost it earlier today in his "ME" post?   I really will 
have to pay more attention to detail when I read future emails from you.   
There must be a level of subtlety which went right over my head when you wrote! 
 Or maybe it was Glenn, or Sharrieff, or even maybe Ross, who seemed so 
utterly gleeful about this current situation, and you just all run together 
when I 
read.   Kyle, or Mike V.   Now, they're REALLY anti-UCD/BID, right?   Anyway, 
your point is well taken - for whatever reason, I must have strayed from the 
actual facts.   Everybody else on this list is so factual and careful about 
what they write; I don't know what I was thinking by second guessing you.   I 
know you declared the BID dead, but you must have sent that out as a sympathy 
message, and here I misinterpreted it as gloating.   

With the humblest of apologies,

Lamond, Melani

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