In a message dated 7/12/2007 1:00:49 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

In that  context, UCD made a big mistake by firing Fenton. Within a few 
weeks  people could have gotten past their feelings from the election.   
Either there were deeper tensions that were already building up (Penn  
secretly backing Nutter, or friction between Fenton and UCD/Penn  
higher-ups, or whatever) and this was just the trigger, or it was just  
a stupid move. 

What it exposed was UCD's weakness in leadership and insensitivity to  what's 
rally meant by "funky vibes" which the $74,000 flackette uses to describe  
the community.
Most of us (in the circles in which I travel, anyway) who voiced concern  
about the possible unlawful political involvement  of UCD weren't dismayed by 
John's helping out with the affair in Malcolm X Park  and knowing or not 
that it would have some Knox overtones. John had a  commendable history of 
helping every block party, community  meeting, torchlight rally behind Little 
Nell, and briss at the Calvary  Center that requests his involvement We were 
concerned that the culture of  the organization was such that the issue could 
arise.  And responsibility for organizational culture goes to the top 
(Wendell  Lewis and his Penn masters) not to John.
Wendell's self-destructive "interview" in the UCReview made matters worse.  
He took unabashed credit for John's popularity in the area by saying it was he  
who defined John's job in terms of doing what he did and in a manner that 
puts  the Boy Scout Oath to shame. Then he denied any culpability in accusing 
John of  acting like a loose cannon in several regards. It was clear that 
was  desperately trying to cover himself while thinking he was throwing  John 
to the wolves. Turns out that he not only didn't "read" the community, he  
probably never read his Joel Chandler Harris either because what he did  it  
more like throwing Bre'r Rabbit into the thistle patch.
Always at  your service & ready for a dialog,
Al Krigman -- 36-year local resident  & housing provider

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