Deperatley Seeking Couple for Free Green  Wedding   

Planning to  tie the knot?  GreenFest  Philly is offering one lucky couple an 
extraordinary green  wedding-FREE-  for up to 60  guests.  

The ceremony / reception will be held at  Zagar's magic MOSAIC GARDEN on 
South Street in downtown Philadelphia--the  city's most popular public art 
installation. Guests will enjoy fabulous  food catered by ChriStevens, the 
Mainline caterer who is now on  9th and South streets, too, and recently opened 
a whole special green  services line.  Music,  photography, flowers, gifts, 
local transportation, and more will be  provided as well. The couple will 
receive special green gifts such as 10  ecologically responsible 
house-cleanings by 
Organic Home LLC, five gal. of  zero VOC house paint from Environmental Home 
Store, a wedding cake from  Whole Foods (if they want vegan) or Night Kitchen 
(if organic is the  rule), a world culture gift from Eyes Gallery...and 
Cutter's Mill Natural  Pet Foods for Fido.  Carolyn  Verdi, esteemed wedding 
(her real name!) will help finesse the  details and assure that the event 
matches the couple's personal  style.  Photography, music,  honeymooon and more 
are in the works... 

The ceremony will be  private, not open to the public, to be held during 
GreenFest Philly, Sun.,  Sept. 9,  11am - 6 pm.   (Actually, we had a couple  
board, but they got cold feet!)  

TO ENTER, describe  yourselves in 150 words or less. Tell us:  
    1.  What  makes you green? How do you practice sustainability? 
    2.  Who are  you-- both as individuals, and as a couple? 
    3.  How to  contact you. Give us your full names, telephone numbers, and 
email  addresses. 

We're  looking for couples that care about each other and the environment. 
All  green couples, from new recyclers to dyed-in-the-hemp vegan freegans, are  
welcome to apply. Send submissions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  Entries  are requested no later 
than July 20.  

Five  semifinalist couples will be contacted for interviews as soon as 
possible.  A small multi-cultural committee will identify the winning couple. 
We are 
 expecting to make a decision no later than July  30.

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