> In a message dated 7/15/07 10:40:22 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> I'm sorta wondering why no one is complaining or cheering about
> parking permits being required for parts of 46th street. We got a
> notice through the door yesterday and it appears so did everyone else
> between Kingsessing and Woodland on 46th. Is this the only block going
> to permit parking?
> Frankly the whole thing seemed a bit sketchy to me.. I haven't heard
> of any efforts to move our block to permit parking, nor are any
> effective-by dates listed on the notice, and I can't see any need for
> it. I've *always* found a parking space on our block or at worst on
> either side of 46th on Kingsessing.
> -s
> Who put the notice through your door?   Do you have a block captain?   Or
> someone without that title, but who organizes block clean-ups, etc.?   Check
> with them to find out who is spearheading the campaign for permit parking.
> Your block can't "go to" it without a petition showing that the residents of
> the block want it.   I'm not sure what percentage of signers need to be in
> favor of permit parking, but that's how a block would get it.
> Often, when other blocks get permit parking, there is a change in the number
> of spaces available on surrounding blocks.   Folks whose cars aren't licensed
> at their UC addresses can't get the permits, so if the blocks on which they
> live get permit parking, they will begin parking on your block and make
> parking harder for you.   Generally, the people whose cars are registered
> elsewhere are students, here temporarily and often saving on their car
> insurance by using their parents' addresses.
> Melani Lamond

I believe the percentage of residents needed to be in favor of permit
parking is 70%. Folks on my block tried to get permit parking but failed to
get the required percentage of signatures.


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