In a message dated 7/28/2007 11:04:25 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I'm  going to unsubscribe from univcity and hope to see some of you on the 
other  side where I hope to be able to provide a less antagonistic atmosphere 
for  neighborhood communication.

In her book, "Why Deliberative Democracy," Dr Gutmann states,  "Deliberation 
cannot make incompatible values compatible, but it can help  participants 
recognize the moral merit in their opponents' claims when those  claims have 
It's true that the "deliberation" on this listserv has not gone as far as  
might be desired to "help participants recognize the moral merit in their  
opponents' claims" -- perhaps because so few of us (and I do mean "us")are  
to acknowledge that our opponents' claims could possibly have any  merit.
But starting another listserv, moderated no less, doesn't seem to me to be  
the best way to proceed. Personally, I prefer and make liberal use of the  
"delete" key -- figuring I can always go back to the archives or depend on  
someone who feels inclined to "quote" voluminous passages from earlier messages 
there's something I later wonder whether I missed.  

Always at  your service & ready for a dialog -- or an argument as the case 
may  be,
Al Krigman

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