>From what I understand, Kyle works in IT at Penn.   Isn't it possible
that he just set his list up with a @upenn.edu address because it was
convenient for him to do so -- and that there are really no Penn vs.
the-rest-of-West-Philly overtones to this?  (Other than the fact that
Kyle is, in fact, affiliated with Penn -- but so are a lot of people
in this neighborhood.  In the interests of full disclosure, I am a
graduate student at Penn.)

(this isn't directly aimed at Wilma; it just happens that she made the
most recent post in a long string of posts to which I've wanted to say


On 7/30/07, Wilma de Soto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  It's a concern because I always look ahead to the ramifications of present
> actions.
>  It's a concern because I have been involved with community associations who
> tried to steer this neighborhood's development and done lot's of hard work
> to make this community better before you have.
>  My concern is that it would be no longer a committee or oversight AdHoc
> committee that would be able to check that all are included.
>  Cyber-space is MUCH too large and if  UC Neighbors has upenn.edu domain,
> there is NO way longtime battle-scarred residents could compete against the
> Penn name, credibility, money etc.
>  True open community discourse pro or con as to the development of this
> community will be squelched.  Today? No.  But the door has opened.
>  The, "Oh, just let us have a civilized discussion amongst neighbors." is a
> straw man that will break the camel's back."
>  If you don't agree, fine.  Just mark my words. I will not forget what
> objections I raised and for what reason and when.
>  I know a power play when I see it.  THIS time it's something different that
> cannot be sorted out or discussed by usual means and could much more
> damaging.
>  Put the listserv on Google, Yahoo MySpace as Dave Axler told me. Post all
> you will and let people find you.
>  On 7/30/07 1:52 PM, "Mike V." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why is that a "concern", Wilma?  Why are you invested in people not making
> an incorrect, easily-correctible assumption?
>  - Mike V.
>  -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On  Behalf Of Wilma
> de Soto
>  Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 12:58  PM
>  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; UnivCity  listserv
> the real reason for the new list  is...
>  No one faults people starting a new listserv forum, at  least I don't.
> Move away as you will.  Lke Dave said they could  have used Google, Yahoo,
> MySpace, whatever.  But they didn't.
>  My  concern is when people see the upenn.edu domain, they will naturally
> assume  the UC Neighbors Listserv is associated with Penn (since they are
> using Penn's  domain.  This would lead people to believe that the new
> listserv is more  legitimate and more credible that the UC Listserv.  I also
> feel it will  add to further vilification of participants on this listserv.
>  Your post  title certainly indicates to me that has already begun, along
> with accusations  of conspiracy theories etc.
>  Those who deny that is the case especially  when handbills are passed to
> recruit new people, are not being entirely honest  with themselves.  Also,
> people who wanted to form the new listserv are  not being entirely honest by
> saying they have only been the victim of  vituperation on list and never the
> perpetrator.
>  On 7/30/07 12:28  PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  In a  message dated 7/30/07 11:45:03 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  writes:
>      ......Kyle didn't start the  UCNeighbor list because he was being
> childish or selfish and walking away  with his bat and ball. He started it
> because the communication on this  listserv is becoming petty, myopic and
> insulting. It's also becoming a  crowded room (virtually speaking) with some
> loud voices trying to drown out  the once speaking in a normal tone. Some
> people do act like they own this  list and like to think that they can
> dictate and frame the conversation and  debates that occur here. Many people
> have started doing the serial deleting  of [UC]-labelled emails, because
> it's become less relevant and helpful to  the average UC resident. I don't
> know about you, but this puts people a  hair-trigger away from leaving the
> listserv and the community discussion  that occurs here. No one is excluded
> or protected on Kyle's new listserv  either. You can still take the
> conversation there, if you want to, and your  bat and ball.
>  This weekend, the heavy-handed people on the purple  list found out that
> their readers now have the option to move away, and  clearly, they don't
> want that to happen.   So - did they offer to  moderate their language and
> help develop a set of guidelines?    No, they became even more heavy-handed!
>   Several  attacked Bruce Anderson for suggesting guidelines.   Some even
> tried to blame Jon Herrmann, who wrote that he had not read the last 13,000
> emails posted on the purple list in the last 15 months - now, that shows how
>  involved HE is, doesn't it?   Some renewed conspiracy theories,  one
> generated new spoof posts, and as usual, a small but noisy group  attacked
> the person who saw a need to do something and actually DID it.
>  But, why should we be stuck with a dysfunctional list  which will not
> change?
>  I came in for criticism for saying it would be  heaven to be on a list
> without one particularly voluminous ranter who has  focused on me, sometimes
> alarmingly.   Why would I want to be on a  list with member who sends out
> fantasy emails about what he wants to have  happen to me in Clark Park?
> Why would I recommend that the  buyers and sellers I work with join a
> listserv where they'd read that kind  of stuff with my name in it, where a
> neighborhood fanatic would single me  out for ridicule though I've never
> even met the man?   Is it any  surprise I think it will be "heaven" to be on
> a list where that sort of  email isn't likely to be tolerated?
>  Kyle CAN ban that individual on  the new list, but he won't, if the
> individual is civil to his fellow list  members.   Anyone can sign up, and
> the archives are public, so  even non members can read what's written.
> There's no conspiracy  and lots of transparency.
>  I'm afraid that "spoof" addresses have  been posted more often than the
> actual one for Kyle's new list, so I'll  include it again here to counteract
> the usual poster of  misinformation.
>   http://lists.asc.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/ucneighbors
>   <http://lists.asc.upenn.edu/mailman/listinfo/ucneighbors>
>  - Melani Lamond
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