In a message dated 9/6/2007 5:40:54 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Professor of Urban Design and City Planning Michael
> Larice said  branding University City and Penn's campus
> using signs works to both  mark territorial boundaries and
> influence people's perception of the  area.

Reminds me...
In around 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany asked his cousin, Albert I of  
Belgium, if German troops could cross Belgium on their way to Paris. Albert  
refused, responding that "Belgium is a country, not a road." Of course,  
was the 800-lb gorilla of Europe and did it anyway.
The message apparently hasn't reached the sanctum sanctorum of College  Hall 
that University City is a neighborhood, not a brand. Of  course, Penn is the 
800-lb gorilla in these parts and will probably try to do  what it wants, 
We can only work toward the goal that, like its predecessor, our  800-lb 
gorilla will fail in its ultimate quest to improve us right out of its  way. 
Hopefully, the conflict will be much more rational and less bloody.  

Always at  your service & ready for a dialog,
Al Krigman -- 36-year local resident,  housing provider, curmudgeon, and 
all-around  crank,

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