Isn't the forwarded email in question disrespectful? Isn't the offlist email itself meanspirited and full of spite? Get real, Wilma! Just what would you do if somebody sent you racial slur messages off line in response to your postings?


On 10 Oct  2007, at 4:16 PM, Wilma de Soto wrote:

Isn’t forwarding private email (no matter how the conservation went in private) to a public forum without the consent of both parties disrespectful?

Not only is it disrespectful, it is mean-spirited and full of spite in as much as it was done with the design to hurt or belittle the non-consenting person and is just as much a personal attack as another.

What could be more disrespectful?

I simply cannot believe that because a private conversation was not going your way, the only it could be addressed was to forward private email to a public forum. That the issue at hand could not have been handled privately.

There is no other purpose for doing so except to cause some degree of harm to the person and/or their reputation.

There has to be a higher road to take to discourage people from retaliating than to escalate things by stealth counter attack.

It is intimidation, which is a synonym for bullying, in that it tries to cow people into silence because they disagree and is an attempt induce a sense of fear or inferiority because they dared to disagree and promotes “ganging-up” on the other person. All this falls well into the sphere of bullying.

There HAS to be some other way.

On 10/10/07 10:40 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In a message dated 10/10/07 1:09:56 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
the problem is that some people are posting private emails
to the list. this is wrong, especially when it's done
without the author's permission, and it's another example
(along with ad hominem) of people's difficulty grasping the
nature of public discourse and how it is different than
private exchanges.

Ray, there's a huge difference between continuing a discussion privately offlist in a respectful manner, as you and I have sometimes done, and insulting or belittling a listserv participant offlist because of differing opinions onlist.

I don't forward private, sincere, discussion emails related to the list - I only forward private, off-the-wall, insult emails related to the list. As I wrote yesterday, that sort of list behavior (personal attacks, insults) by a few members is a major reason folks have named for dropping off the list. Several folks wrote to me yesterday and agreed that sharing the insults was the right thing to do and hopefully would cut down on bullying. (And I'm not going to forward their emails!)

Melani Lamond

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