Dear list,

The issue about the proposed parking plan at the
proposed 115 unit Hilton was brought up by an
individual on the list.  Since this issue was brought
up, I want you to get an accurate account based on
what I know.  

There is no well thought out and secure plan as
reported by the individual who attended the Penn First
Thursday presentation.  

First to clarify, this Penn presentation is now a
series of tightly controlled presentations without any
time for discussion.  These 8AM meetings, as Liz
mentioned, do not meet the standards for open public
meetings for attendance by the general community.  The
suggestion that this was some properly announced
public presentation to the community about this Campus
Inn plan is simply nonsense. 

Here is the proposed parking plan as I know it.  

A 9 space surface lot would be on the far west
property line with entrance on Pine.  The upscale
hotel entrance would also be on Pine.

An unsecured assertion is made that valet parking will
drive these out of town guests vehicles to some remote
unspecified parking lots.  Of course, we have to trust
the corporate developers, Penn, and Hilton not to
abandon this at any time in the future they choose.
These unspecified lots will also require a good bit of
effort from that location, and there will be lines at
peak times.  Many of these guests are not going to use
this valet service even if the valet service was
continued.  The closest available lots are not
convenient at all to 40th and Pine.

I have not heard any comment on the taxi situation at
all.  When these extended stay guests go around the
city are they going to use the trolleys as suggested
or taxis?  The first exposure of this hotel plan in
the Oct 10 UC Review had Mr. Lussenhop making a big
point about the trolley lines. I simply don't believe
that the assumptions about these Hilton guests taking
our trolleys is believable. There will certainly be
taxi stands but the developers aren't going to mention
this to us until it is too late.

This is not an issue for the PHC but I have heard no
response at all about handeling taxis.  But have these
developers been forthcoming about a damn thing?

So I agree with Liz, this will cause serious traffic
and parking problems in that area; even if we could
trust the developers!  That area is not a good place
for out of town drivers to be driving lost.  In fact,
as many of us discussed on the list, the situation
(since the new Penn building occupied the end of
Baltimore Ave. in front of the VA) is one of the most
confusing and dangerous in the city.

Hope that clears up the confusion about the earlier
report about some well thought out believable plan 
presented publicly at the Penn 8 AM show for the
anointed. (After the discussion at the Blackwell run
meeting during the Fenton affair, the agenda of the
Penn presentations is so tightly packed, no discussion
is possible. I was not at this Nov. show but got a
report that it was the same packed agenda as Oct. and
Lussenhop's was an abbreviated presentation)


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