Dear list,

Here we go again.  The barking cheese gang is coming
back to intimidate community discussions to serve
their masters.  Let’s consider the last posts of
Lamond and West.  

They’re barking loud and clear that the non-plutocrats
should shut up for various reasons.  We’re not traffic
engineers so we should shut up.  Karen is a “busybody
from the next neighborhood,” when she is questioning
issues and offering opinions, but Melani’s collusion
in these backroom dealings while constantly resorting
to the ad hominem argument is just fine  

Hey Mel, I live in Spruce Hill so you should get your
busy body out of my neighborhood’s business or are you
just being a hypocrite? 

 But look at the point the barking cheese gang always
makes in all posts.  Those whom ask questions about
the cronies of their gangs should shut up simply
because their character is so defective and they're
stupid and silly.

With pomposity, Lamond and West  say we little people
should fight through secrecy, outright lies, etc.   We
need to discover the secret  plans of powerful
corporate agendas yet when one of us common citizens
tries to do it and share with the other common
citizens, we get this gang harassment by a pack of

And these same assholes claim that using Penn
resources to set up a censored list was caused by the
incivility of others instead of for the purpose of
creating a safe environment for astroturfing!  The
posts from these clowns to intimidate and silence
discussions have been the biggest cause of incivility
we’ve seen on this list.  If someone tells the jackals
after repeated harassment, to go stick their noses in
some corporate butt; they’re not the cause of the

Again this pathetic mean-spirited gang intimidation is
intended to shut up the real community activists, who
genuinely attempt to serve their community honestly
and with compassion for their neighbors,  while 
intimidating the rest of you.  Yes, they will treat
you like West and Melani are treating Karen and I if
you dare to question their authority as corporate ass

In my opinion, this gang really believes they are
superior to the rest of us since they have been chosen
for corporate ass kissing.  Certainly, no one can look
at the series of posts from West and Melani and think
these two ever try to engage in civil discourse.

1.Distract from the issue with whatever mean
strategies they get addicted too.  2.Demand that
questions are silenced by attacking questioner’s
character.  3.Intimidate the majority of common
citizens from joining in the discussion by sending the
message that ganging up is what all outsiders and
little people will face.

Look at this asinine ideology West and Lamond are so
pompously asserting to shut us up.  Their corporate
friends have no rules when it comes to little people. 
But we cannot even ask questions while their cronies
lie and hide their domineering agendas and plans. 

We catch them trying to jam this hotel through, which
by the way, is exactly what the Penn gang is trying to
do, and Lamond and West assert community citizens are 
in the wrong for not studying secret fucking plans!.  

Penn is already insisting that this hotel must be done
fast because of a tight schedule.  Penn owned the
building for 3 fucking years but we citizens lose our
rights to a fair process because of their tight

Lamond and West are espousing the views of colonialist
war lords and plutocrats.  These aren’t the principals
of citizens in representative democracies.  The
processes they espouse were considered un-American at
one time  So I’m certainly not afraid to challenge
Lamond or West in a civil debate about issues.  But it
seems they are either too fucking stupid or too
addicted to their mean spirited bullying to be capable
of civil discourse about issues.  

Any opinions?  Are Lamond and West too stupid or too
addicted to gang style bullying to engage in civil
discourse?  You will get a UCD door prize for the
correct answer.

Unwilling to ignore the return of barking cheese

In a message dated 7/27/07 6:49:04 PM, kcassidy at writes: > the cool thing about this
software is that i can pre-ban glenn! > > This will be
heaven. But, I hope he doesn't know where you live.

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