In a message dated 11/23/2007 1:17:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

It is an  excellent photo, Ray.  Ditto the  thanks.

The proposed Lussenhop's Folly is even worse than this, of course.
The Radian extends away from those dinky properties where  
non-owner-occupants dare to live -- and presents its elongated towering facade  
along the 
already unattractive Walnut and Sansom Streets. Lussenhop's Folly runs  along 
building on Pine Street and across the backs of those on  Baltimore Avenue, 
doing much more damage in both cases to the visual aesthetics  for pedestrians 
the people who live in its figurative and sometimes literal  shadow.
Reminds me of the lady in Atlantic City who got lots of national press  
coverage because she wouldn't sell her house to the developers and ended  up 
hemmed-in closely on three sides by five or six stories of  casino. The latter, 
incidentally, eventually got torn down because the  developers didn't really 
what they were doing (and lost more than their  shirts). As developers 
frequently don't (know) or do (because they generally  have little invested of 
own compared to what they talk other people  into putting up -- not always by 
being totally truthful).  

Always at  your service & ready for a dialog,
Al Krigman -- 36-year local resident,  housing provider, and -- even my 
opponents admit -- bon  vivant

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