Matt your name has been used on the public listserv. I am sending you this cc as a courtesy.

"As for the volleyball players, yes, they _were_ asked to send
representatives. Matt Grubel, who's a volleyball player, invited them to
our meetings many times. They never came. Gina came to a general
membership meeting to suggest a permanent court installation, and we've
been discussing this within the Board and PlanCom. Once again, Glenn's
lying. Maybe he's ticked that the volleyballers didn't pick him to be
their rep?"

Matt does not claim that he ever asked the volleyball group to be "their representative." I know that others have been making these claims and calling him a representative. You Siano, have now publicly involved Matt with your lies. I asked Matt directly if he ever claimed to be "the representative" of volleyball. His answer was no!

You FOCP "leaders" constantly try this tactic. You can't assign an outside group's representative. In fact, the volleyball group has often come to me with their concerns and ideas. I founded the activity in 1983 and restarted it in 1996. I have a request to the members of FOCP from them which Tony has blocked since 2004. Matt knows all of this.

This "representative" lie is a divisive tactic which is done often by FOCP.

When FOCP leaders cannot win by bullying the leader of a park organization, they engage this trick. The gang tries to recruit a "representative" for the outside group. Mr Siano himself went for this bait. The character and leadership of the disobedient individual is attacked as usual. Someone is asked to replace the leader and this is promised to solve all the problems with FOCP. Over several years, I experienced this several times. Brian Siano was the fourth individual from the group, of which I was the undisputed leader, to be approached this way.

FOCP leaders tried this with the Clark Park Music and Arts Community long before Brian Siano betrayed me. Mr Siano was a volunteer I recruited to the festival group. Mr West put Mr. Siano in charge of dealings with FOCP so that my legitimate leadership of the group could be circumvented. When I was on trial at the UCD/FOCP Quality of Life Task Force, Clark Park festivals were even referred to as "Glenn's rock concerts" not Siano's concerts.

I told the list this story as it occured in 2004 when Mr. West convinced a Dept of Rec. employee to break a contract with me for the use of the city's mobile stage. Siano at his side. It's an ugly story to have to tell about one's neighbors. Nevertheless, it is an important story to be told.

Matt is a friend of mine and he is not a party to Siano's lie about "representation." Thanks Brian for helping to make these ugly tactics clear to the list and to Matt.

Matt is not like these other FOCP characters. He asked volleyball players to come join FOCP and listen to FOCP plans with the best intentions. But he also understands what a "representative" of a group implies.

Matt, I believe the volleyball players don't trust the FOCP organization. I told you about these "representative" claims and now you see it in action. This exchange was on the public listserv.

Sorry that Siano decided to involve you.

Take care,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Siano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "UC List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [UC] civic associations and representatives

Glenn wrote:
Folks, this is an important local issue.
These local groups like FOCP and SHCA pretend that they are a stand in for a non existant village government. The list just saw West flex his power with a warning to Liz about the catch-22 she may find herself in. If I told someone to "have a wonderful trip over the river on the Pine St. bridge ," all of you would know my meaning. Of course, I could convince a stranger that I was trying to be sweet.
I'm wondering what Glenn's talking about here. I've been unable to find any notes from Tony mentioning Pine street or a bridge.
How does one work with an FOCP "representative" other than West? West is the one who decides whom may participate in discussions with the FOCP and whom may not. He has made that perfectly clear on numerous occasions on this list and in person.
"Delusory" isn't the word for this. Tony doesn't act as a gatekeeper for the FoCP, and he's never pretended to be one. People talk to me about park stuff, they talk to our board members, they come to our meetings, and they even join the organization every so often. We've also had non-members attend our board meetings.

But Glenn seems to be fixated on Tony in a way that's far from realistic, accurate, or even healthy.
When I tried to propose the Clark park farmer's market to the community via a spot on the FOCP agenda, I tried the accepted process. I approached the President face to face and politely asked for an opportunity. He told me that "the community was opposed." There was no public meeting and no agenda spot. This was my first experience with the organization and I saw how incredibly destructive these associations have been to this community.
Back when I took Glenn seriously, I asked about the Farmer's Market-- and everyone I spoke to said that people had been discussing it as far back as 1992, long before Glenn suggested it.
The only reason there is a farmer's market at Clark park was because UCD decided that it was good for gentrification. The community was deprived the opportunity to hear from a community volunteer bringing a proposal to them at a public meeting. The good folks starting the farmers' markets wanted these as a benefit to the community and farmers, not for support of the Penn "brand."
According to Glenn, the FoCP President opposed the Farmer's Market, but only through the work of UCD did we actually get it. So why isn't he praising UCD for enacting the will of the community?
How many times has this type of abuse of power occured and been cloaked? How many of our neighbors have similar stories?
About _other_ community organizations, yeah, there are dozens. But about the FoCP? Just one.
FOCP leaders are cutting secret deals about control of our park. Ask the basketball players, if they were part of the decision to rip up their court and let it lay in ruins until their basketball groups GO AWAY. Ask the volleyball players if they were invited to send a representative of THEIR CHOOSING to the park A redesign planning committee.
Sure, ask them. They _were_ part of that decision. The basketball court reconstruction came about when state money was made available to rebuild six such courts in the city, and Rec and Jannie Blackwell's office got our court on the list. Making the project even easier was the desire of the Water Department to install a rainwater basin there. Generally speaking, the FoCP had very little to do with the planning (and UCD had none whatsoever) of the project. But we did bring the b-ball players to our meetings, and kept them informed throughout the process as best as we could.

As for the "lay in ruins" business, Glenn's simply lying again. In addition to the contractor dragging his feet, there was a weeks-long delay while the Water Department issued a permit to attach their rainwater basin's drainage to the sewer mains under 43rd street. (The permits have been issued, but Lord knows if the contractor's done the attaching.) But we hope that the major work will be completed soon (we keep hearing Real Soon Now announcements), and the lines can be painted only in the spring, which is when we'll have the Grand Opening.

We're certainly grateful for the improvements, and the replacement of a cracked, rusty and obsolete basketball court... but apparently Glenn feels that the old court was "good enough" for the b-ball players.

As for the volleyball players, yes, they _were_ asked to send representatives. Matt Grubel, who's a volleyball player, invited them to our meetings many times. They never came. Gina came to a general membership meeting to suggest a permanent court installation, and we've been discussing this within the Board and PlanCom. Once again, Glenn's lying. Maybe he's ticked that the volleyballers didn't pick him to be their rep?

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