A "margin of error" is often cited in political and other public opinion polls; this is a very loose statistical measure, but one that seems to have stood the test of time in such matters.

It's the reciprocal of the square root of the sample size. In this case, the number of respondents was 99, so the margin of error is 1/sqrt(99), which is a hair over 10%. On this basis, there's no statistical significance between 49% and 44%.

this is a good explanation, but also bear in mind that in this case we cannot even tell (nor can the dp) if the number of respondents was 99 different individuals, or one individual (or office, or organization) with access to 99 different computers, or something in between.

please, everyone, remember that these anonymous online 'polls' merely count computers, not people!

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I believe the term for this kind of poll is "voodoo poll", but others here who have more expertise might be able to explain it better.



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meanwhile, have fun:

      Do you think Obama should be the next
      president of the United States?

      ___ yes

      ___ no

      ___ maybe


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