Hi, John,
I hope by "violators" you include those cyclists who ignore the rules of the 
road and run stop signs and red lights and end up riding into the path of auto 
traffic, or  ride against the flow of traffic where drivers are not expecting 
anyone to come from (especially dangerous to the cyclist if the driver is 
making a turn). 
If I drove my car the way some individuals ride bikes, my driver's license 
would be revoked.   
> Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 10:37:10 -0400> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> CC: UnivCity@list.purple.com> Subject: Re: [UC] University City 
> traffic nightmares> > If you ride a bike or are a walker in University City, 
> you might find > these changes welcome; at least I do. Increased traffic 
> enforcement > against violators is certainly something that would benefit us 
> all.> > I do often find myself wondering if it was truly an engineer who came 
> up > with many of these traffic light systems; certainly, the lights can be > 
> timed to expedite the flow of vehicular traffic through these > intersections 
> and still afford cyclists and pedestrians safe and > accessible 
> thoroughfare.> > Just my .02 cents...> > Regards,> > John> > [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED] wrote:> > Friends and Neighbors:> > > > The following was in 
> today's DN.> > > > It's been suggested that lots of us have items we might 
> add to the list (the > > horrible left turn going north from University 
> Ave/38th St onto > > Chester/Baltimore, coupled with the timing of the lights 
> to actually get onto Chester or > > Baltimore at 39th Street comes 
> immediately to mind).> > > > > > > > Al Krigman> > > > > > > > reminding you 
> that you read it first, here, on the popu-list > > > > > > 
> ____________________________________> > > > 
> ____________________________________> > > > Letters: My University City 
> traffic nightmares > > Philadelphia Daily News (9/29/08)> > > > IWORK at 37th 
> and Walnut. If there is a hell for drivers, it must be > > University City 
> with the constant construction, vast number of pedestrians, trucks, > > 
> taxis, buses and double-parking. > > Now, it seems, the city is on a mission 
> to make things worse by adding more > > traffic lights, stop signs and 
> no-turn-on-red signs. > > Some specific nightmare spots: > > 31st and Spring 
> Garden. About a year ago, the city put up a no-turn-on-red > > sign. The 
> effect: long lines of idling cars on 31st Street burning up $3.75 a > > 
> gallon gasoline. > > Spring Garden Bridge at the Art Museum. A new light went 
> up last month. > > Result? More cars backed up on the bridge. Everything 
> seemed to move well before > > the light. > > 34th at Lancaster, at the 
> 7-Eleven. Another new light. Trucks continue to > > block the right lane as 
> they unload their deliveries to the store. With the new > > light, there is 
> effectively only one open lane at the light. Traffic backs > > way up 34th. > 
> > And let's not forget all the bike lanes our last mayor was so fond of, > > 
> turning four-lane roads into two lanes. Again, lots of idling, polluting 
> cars. > > When is the city going to do something to improve traffic flow in 
> University > > City? > > Donald Kaufmann, Philadelphia > > > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > **************Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial 
> > > challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips 
> and > > calculators. (http://www.walletpop.com/?NCID=emlcntuswall00000001)> > 
> > ----> You are receiving this because you are subscribed to the> list named 
> "UnivCity." To unsubscribe or for archive information, see> 
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