Wilma and Frank,

You made the right choices.  The funniest part was that the FOCP reputation has 
sunk so low that no one wanted to join their board.

It was hilarious.  But I was nice and kept my laughter on the inside. 
When they once again were such frightened babies that they silenced me for the 
third consecutive time I attended, I just got up and walked out.

I really felt bad for Matt because he worked hard and is not like those other 
bullies and frightened babies!  Their protection of tightly controlled dog and 
pony shows is embarrassing for the entire community, not just them.

Go Phillies! 

-----Original Message-----
>From: Wilma de Soto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Oct 16, 2008 7:15 PM
>To: Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, UnivCity listserv <UnivCity@list.purple.com>
>Subject: Re: [UC] Citizens boycott FOCP last night!
>Yes, where indeed?
>I hardly knew what to TiVo and what to switch between channels on the
>It might have unlucky, specially in light of the Phillies game. (Not so
>I do not know how much earlier this meeting was scheduled.
>Well, I HAD to watch Project Runway's Season Finale.  It was the first
>season I have watched it.  I usually watch Top Chef.
>On 10/16/08 1:15 PM, "Frank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Maybe next time they won't schedule their meeting during a playoff
>> game, a presidential debate AND the Project Runway finale! Where are
>> their priorities???
>> Frank
>> On Oct 16, 2008, at 11:47 AM, Glenn moyer wrote:
>>> Well done West Philadelphia!
>>> Last night, the FOCP presented one of their infamous dog and pony
>>> shows.  They held illegitimate elections which were not announced,
>>> refused to allow new business, and silenced good faith assistance as
>>> usual. (At three consecutive shows over the past couple years, Glenn
>>> Moyer was silenced in less than 15 seconds during the 5 minutes left
>>> for the public to praise FOCP)
>>> The gang¹s President, Mr. Frank Chance, continued to blame the UC
>>> Review for failing to publish their announcements as ordered by the
>>> FOCP association members several years ago.  In his typical hot
>>> headed manner, Mr. Lew Melmon, silenced a long term park volunteer
>>> calling election processes and public announcements, ³your
>>> bugaboo.²  (You may remember that at last years ³election² an angry
>>> group challenged Mr. Melmon for flipping out at the Best Fest and
>>> violently tossing a Frisbee at the property of performers.  Many
>>> citizens gave the gang twenty dollars expecting an honest fair
>>> election to topple Mr. Melmon's power.  Fair and honest FOCP
>>> elections-hahaha.  Mr. Melmon's "election" as vice president was, of
>>> course, never in doubt)
>>> But West Philadelphia citizens did not show up last night for the
>>> typical gangland shenanigans!  They did not give these clowns twenty
>>> dollars to treat them with contempt!  Well done West Philly!!!!
>>> I did not pay the twenty dollar poll tax required to have a voice in
>>> the policies for our formerly public park.  But as an optimist, I
>>> attended in order to thank the FOCP for standing up to Penn Real
>>> Estate/UCD, and in order to pledge my assistance to work
>>> constructively for reform of the association.  Mr melmon silenced me
>>> immediately after my thanks and Mr Chance followed-up with the on-
>>> going ridiculous accusation against the UC Review.
>>> Neighbors, they couldn¹t find residents willing to join their
>>> board!  So they anointed one of the propagandists pushing the dog
>>> park even though she was not present for the election.
>>> You will soon hear the FOCP whine that ³nobody puts their money
>>> where their mouth is² and nobody shows up when ordered for their
>>> work days.  These pathetic clowns believe that they can treat their
>>> members and the community like shit, and then order people to show
>>> up, give them twenty dollars, and follow their work orders.
>>> As we have experienced time and again, neighbors only give the FOCP/
>>> SHCA/UCHS twenty dollars out of terror when they feel compelled to
>>> stop whatever the FOCP/SHCA/UCHS and UCD have secretly plotted.  (Of
>>> course, middle class families pay them about 50 bucks so that their
>>> children may play soccer at the fee required upscale park)
>>> Neighbors, when the FOCP whines and demands money from you; do not
>>> give them one penny!  If you wish to serve this community, contact
>>> the IRS and ask for the 501 c 3 status of FOCP to be stripped for
>>> the continuous violation of bylaws such as their continuous refusal
>>> to properly announce meetings and elections.  Contact any funding
>>> agencies and explain that FOCP is a mean-spirited gang working
>>> against the interests of the community and democratic processes in
>>> order to recreate our much loved public park into a privatized
>>> upscale recreation center.
>>> Well done West Philly!  The pathetic FOCP is collapsing because of
>>> its decades of outrageous contempt for this community!
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Glenn Moyer, citizen journalist
>>> cc Matt Grubbel (Sorry Matt, the truth must be told to the
>>> community.  I really wanted to help you bring some credibility to
>>> the gang!)
>>> ----
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