Glenn moyer wrote:

I just returned and read Ms Goldman’s letter in the UC Review.  Bravo Ms. 

here's mary's letter in the ucreview:


UC Review | 22.OCT.08

Several years ago the University of Pennsylvania purchased
the abandoned nursing home at 40th and Pine and subsequently
selected a developer to build an 11-story, 114-unit on the
site with 4 on-site parking spaces in a residential
neighborhood of four- and five-story buildings.

Needless to say, the immediate neighbors and many other
residents of Spruce Hill Community Association (SHCA) were
aghast that such an out-of-scale development would be placed
in an historic, low-rise neighborhood and expected that the
SH would represent their views.

Alas, in a complete abrogation of its responsibility, SHCA
not only refused to take a position on the proposed
development, but held a closed Board meeting at which no
discussion of and no vote on the merits was taken. Taking no
position added insult to the injury of a closed discussion.

This neighborhood deserves a more representative Board that
debates such issues fully and votes no matter how divisive
the issue. A group, which purports to represent the
community, should have the courage to take a vote on whether
the community wants to trade an eyesore for a behemoth.

Mary Goldman
University City

haha: "out-of-scale"... "behemoth"...

the size/scale of that hotel just never goes away. now perhaps pcpc's nilda ruiz will tell mary that the neighbors will 'get used to' the betrayals of shca.


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