---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Patty Bulack <pbul...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [UC] Re: [UC-Announce] ALERT: ROBBERIES NEAR 48TH STREET
To: mlam...@aol.com

In a word, yes.  These incidents were all reported.  We need to continue to
encourage each other to report any and all incidents, so that they can be
part of how the police respond.  I have also heard that there are more
patrols.  But the police can't do everything, and so we all need to do our
parts by practicing safe behaviors and being alert to unusual behavior, and
keeping an eye on each other.

  On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 3:27 PM, <mlam...@aol.com> wrote:

> Hi, Patty, thanks for the warning.  Have these incidents ALL been reported
> to both the police & the UCD?  I've heard that our current 18th District
> police captain is very good, and that we are targeted for extra
> crime-reduction services.  A few weeks ago undercover police followed 4
> juveniles for TWO HOURS, from Kingsessing Ave., finally over to 47th St.
> outside of Abbraccio where one of the 4 pulled a gun on a young woman
> walking down the street.  The 4 undercover cops had the 4 juveniles down on
> the ground INSTANTLY.  So it's really, really important right now that they
> know that they need to have even more undercover guys out there right now,
> since obviously there are still more criminals.
> So, were these all reported?
> Melani
> *Melani Lamond, Associate Broker*
> *Urban & Bye, Realtor*
> PA License Number AB048377L
> 3529 Lancaster Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19104
> cell phone 215-356-7266 - office phone 215-222-4800 #113
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