Dear neighbors,

You probably read about the latest FOCP survey victims in the UC Review last 
week.  The report also uncovered that the FOCP/UCD partnership plans to close A 
park in March.   The editor published my response this week.  (Sorry for not 
providing a link.  For some reason, my message bounces back when I include a UC 
Review link. Just type in "Weekly Press" or "University City review")

Many years ago, our community loudly protested this UCD plan to destroy our 
park, in order to support a marketing campaign and Penn's salvation myth.  The 
unpopular plan was crafted in secret by UCD and its handpicked "community 
leaders" from the SHCA/FOCP.  Park stakeholder groups were actively banned from 
the secret back room planning and a Quality of Life Task force was assembled to 
destroy our culture.  After waiting many years, they are attempting the park 
takeover with the very same closed secretive process.

During those years, not only has the community learned that these civic 
associations are completely broken and don't serve the community nor the 
members of the associations.  Likewise, UCD's real motives have been thoroughly 
exposed, and I believe, very few of our neighbors continue to believe the Penn 
marketing bullshit about only wanting to make us "cleaner and safer."

Neighbors, the Department of Recreation and the civic associations need to be 
taken to court to stop this destruction of our public park.  If we fail to 
stick up for all the park stakeholders, like the People's flea market, capture 
the flag, the chess players, drummers, and volleyball players; we seal our own 
fate as we lose our rights as citizens in our own neighborhood.  (The UC Review 
report also revealed a new plan for a fountain.) 

I plan to start a slow process to leave Philadelphia (thanks for the many 
referrals).  But if any groupings of neighbors wish to use legal remedies to 
stop this oligarchic nonsense once for all, please contact me.  I've been 
fighting this crap for a decade and I'm convinced that court action is the only 
way to break this iron triangle between Penn and the city!  I won't abandon my 
neighbors but my days of acting alone are long gone.  (Having those idiots from 
the censored Penn list calling you a processaholic and wishing for your suicide 
or the death ray is not really so much to bear.)  It's time to stop the 
helpless positive thinking and act up!!! The members of these associations have 
tried, without success, to break the iron rule of their leaders and it cannot 
be done! 

Glenn Moyer  
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