It has, for at least 10 years, been easy and effortless to join this Planning Committee. When you do that, you immediately meet your neighbors who are working on this project with you, and you will learn about them and from them. Since PlanCom literally consists of everyone who shows up, who cares enough about the park to spend $10, there's no barrier. It's easier to become a Friend of Clark Park than a citizen of the USA, that's for sure!

By the same token, no member of FoCP will ever be singled out for persecution by greedy business interests whose designs on the park have been thwarted. Individual membership information is confidential and will remain so. We are scrupulous about respecting confidentiality. Our process has worked quite well over the years.

Call the current President of FoCP, Frank Chance, at (215) 847-0853, or email me, if any of you wishes to become involved in park planning. We'd love to have you aboard. Clark Park has won more than $500,000 in grants for its rehabilitation, in part because FoCP has mobilized the community to lobby for this expense. The park hasn't gotten a dime of capital expenditure since 1965. Anybody can see its infrastructure is wearing out.

-- Tony West

Consider: The FOCP web site looks very impressive, but can anyone find the identities of the planning committee? Can anyone find a process to invite effected park stakeholders, other than to give money? We are not allowed to know when they meet, what they decide, nor even their identities. But the picture of all the young upscale white people sitting around the new kiddie swimming pool is lovely.
It's information from upscale used car salesmen!!


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