Wow! THAT¹S a slap in the face.

Thank you kindly for showing us who the better people are who have
higher-quality neighborhood input.  Since I have been a member of this
listserv since its inception, apparently I can rest assured that I would not
be considered as such; especially since I am not a member of the UCNeighbors

Mogadishu, indeed!  Perhaps it was not your intent to appear hurtful,
elitist and disrespectful amongst other things, especially in light of the
subject of civility raised earlier, but I do perceive it this way because
there is not much room for benefit of the doubt anymore.

Snide remarks about the persons who belong to this listserv, since the
formation of UCNeighbors has gone a bit too far in my opinion.  You have
UCNeighbors...fine!  Isn¹t that enough without denigrating this listserv or
are we all just supposed to not post, drop dead or leave the neighborhood?
What IS it they want from us?

Come front street with it once and for all.

On 3/31/10 8:18 PM, "Anthony West" <> wrote:

> I covered that meeting about the correctional facility that is proposed for
> 52nd & Lindbergh, and reported it that same evening on UCNeighbors. Can't
> imagine why anyone who is curious about West Philadelphia public affairs would
> have missed it.
> By and large, people with higher-quality neighborhood input will, over time,
> put more of their input into the higher-quality neighborhood output.
> "Purple" once was at the cutting edge of online representation of geographical
> urban communities. But it isn't anymore. Let's move on. It's easy!
> It's not just Glenn's constant, unmoderated gargling that annoys many people.
> It's also that its organizational model looks remarkably like that of the City
> Government.of Mogadishu. People who want to get an answer about service issues
> have long found it hard to communicate with the list-owner. It's not at all
> clear who to go to for any particular kind of action. UC-list was founded by
> Spruce Hill Community Association, but not overseen by SHCA in any way today.
> It lives in the computer rooms of Villanova University, for some arcane
> historical reason.
> UCNeighbors, by contrast, has a real, physical list-owner. That's Kyle
> Cassidy. You can email him, call him, FB him, walk to his house ... whatever
> you want. He lives in the neighborhood. He cares about the neighborhood. He
> does it all as a volunteer. And when I had a service issue, I got the problem
> solved in 10 days; whereas the last time I had a "purple" service issue, it
> took 20 days to get it fixed.
> -- Tony West
>>   Unfortunately, many of the list members outspokenness about Philly real
>> estate development is rather selective. Not a single post about the VCRC
>> proposed prison and day reporting center for 5213 Grays, until they find
>> themselves riding SEPTA with the early release felons, who turn out not to be
>> mentally stable and not non-violent: perhaps 150 day reporters and 250
>> transitional housing clients, which one ex-offender has described to me as
>> including the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
>> Remember, UC celebrity comes with the expectation of a modicum of
>> accommodation to the local listserv community.
>> Ciao,
>> Craig

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