
Wow ­ you think what I said was nasty?  Snide, maybe, but in that case I¹d
better stay over here.  Given the turmoil he put this community through, I
think it was pretty mild.  There¹s a difference between ³conflict and
confrontation² and ³nastiness and incivility.²  But those distinctions get
lost on a lot of people.  And just for the record: (1) I said nothing about
Tom Lussenhop, only about his hotel, and (2) I went to a fair amount of
trouble to actually give him an answer to his question.  One private
commenter thought I was too generous.


On 4/1/10 4:26 PM, "Anthony West" <> wrote:

> Wilma,
> Since a lot of people, like myself, subscribe to both lists (actually I'm on
> four neighborhood lists), there's no "they" vs. "we". There are just two
> different products out there, for any of us to patronize as we choose.
> Some people don't want to subscribe to multiple listserves for the same
> community. (They'd rather not see their inbox flooded by the same post in
> three different emails, for instance.) In that case, the listserve with the
> greater traffic -- particularly traffic about the neighborhood -- is surely
> the more useful. Almost by definition, it represents the neighborhood better.
> One might still keep a membership on the less-popular listserve, if it gives
> information not available on the more-popular listserve -- particularly if it
> facilitates a specific kind of neighborhood communication that is hard to get
> on the more-popular one. In this case, having read both Kyle Cassidy's UC list
> and Villanova's UC list for a few years now, my take is the "purple" list
> reliably fosters personal attack, intentional misinformation and extremist
> hysteria on neighborhood issues.
> It's more about the process than the people. The same people, writing on the
> same issues on UCNeighbors, write with more gentleness, more receptivity and
> more nuance than they do on Purple. I include myself in this criticism.
> Listserves generally die with a whimper, not a bang, and that's how Purple
> seems to be dying. I still see, from time to time, useful threads about
> household services that don't appear on UCNeighbors. But I see more useful
> threads about household services overall on UCNeighbors now than I do on
> Purple.
> The only threads that flourish on Purple rather than UCNeighbors are those
> that favor querulous complaints about how bad A is or B is. Thus, in this
> recent statistic-boosting spate, I note that I made a nasty comment about
> Glenn (en passant) and that Kimm made a nasty comment about Tom (in yo face)
> and that Wilma induces a global nasty comment by me about all Purple readers
> (not there at all)  ... par for the course.
> Anyone who prefers to relate to their neighbors in this manner will find
> Purple more congenial than UCNeighbors. Anyone who does not prefer to relate
> to their neighbors in this manner will find UCNeighbors more congenial than
> Purple, in my estimation.
> So I do think this product is broken and I have no idea how to fix it, unless
> it's willing to bite the bullet and appoint a moderator of its own. But I'll
> continue to read it and post on it, if I think I can make a comment that is
> helpful. I always appreciate your posts, Wilma.
> -- Tony West
> On 3/31/2010 9:54 PM, Wilma de Soto wrote:
>>  Re: [UC] Drug pushers in the NYTimes Wow! THAT¹S a slap in the face.
>> Thank you kindly for showing us who the better people are who have
>> higher-quality neighborhood input.  Since I have been a member of this
>> listserv since its inception, apparently I can rest assured that I would not
>> be considered as such; especially since I am not a member of the UCNeighbors
>> listserv.
>> Mogadishu, indeed!  Perhaps it was not your intent to appear hurtful, elitist
>> and disrespectful amongst other things, especially in light of the subject of
>> civility raised earlier, but I do perceive it this way because there is not
>> much room for benefit of the doubt anymore.
>> Snide remarks about the persons who belong to this listserv, since the
>> formation of UCNeighbors has gone a bit too far in my opinion.  You have
>> UCNeighbors...fine!  Isn¹t that enough without denigrating this listserv or
>> are we all just supposed to not post, drop dead or leave the neighborhood?
>> What IS it they want from us?
>> Come front street with it once and for all.

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