Unfortunately Tony, whether true or not, most people assume that people and 
organizations which wield political power (Penn, UCD, local politicians, etc) 
are regularly influencing these organizations. And, of course there won't be 
any evidence, nor is Andy necessarily lying (I would assume he is not). It 
would be doubtful that UCD, Penn, or any organization would openly pressure, 
but rather individuals at high levels would let their preferences be known in 
private conversations. Can Andy absolutely state that no member of the UCD 
board ever influenced L&I, in any way? I know for a fact that is not true as 
I've heard that directly from a board member.

Is it coincidence that any number of actions by L&I, the PPD, Streets Dept or 
any other entity focuses efforts at a particular time and place? Maybe, but 
there have been plenty of incidents in the past to assume otherwise (for 
example the Streets departments redesign of the 38th/Baltimore/University 
Avenue intersection was at the time promoted by the City as an effort to 
improve traffic. It shortly became clear that it was in fact to build the new 
Vet building). There is plenty of anecdotal evidence and hearsay to assume that 
any L&I efforts are being influenced by local power brokers - and therefore we 
can assume that it is the case as it is more likely than not. And that's not 
even with factual evidence such as Glenn points out with the Business Journal 
article or the use of UCD workers for political causes.

Of course, that is not necessarily a bad thing. Certainly L&I has plenty of 
positives, as does the UCD. And I would argue that more often than not, the 
overall effect is positive. However, how many other neighborhoods in the city 
get tickets for high grass, trash outside when it isn't supposed to be, etc? It 
is illegal to selectively apply enforcement. And in this neighborhood it is 
clearly being done.


From: owner-univc...@list.purple.com [mailto:owner-univc...@list.purple.com] On 
Behalf Of Anthony West
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 10:06 PM
To: UnivCity listserv
Subject: Re: [UC] UCD is innocent


Andy Frishkoff, who speaks from a position of authority, has already explained 
why L&I is coming. He says it has nothing to do with UCD. I am taking him at 
his word. You are not. You are calling him a liar.

What proof do you offer for your claim that Andy is lying, and that UCD is 
secretly behind increased L&I inspections all across Philadelphia?

If you have no evidence, you should quit making such claims. They don't amount 
to anything.

In the meantime, I want you to prove L&I did NOT come because of you! Face the 
challenge of proving a negative. If you can't cope with this challenge .. and 
it's completely unreasonable that anybody could ... then don't expect UCD or me 
to do better than you.

-- Tony West

On 5/17/2010 9:37 PM, Wilma de Soto wrote:
This is not a debate. I want YOU to prove that L&I did NOT come, after all 
these many years, because of the UCD. No back and forth please. Since I did not 
make the assertion that it was business as usual, I have NO burden of proof 
whatsoever!  I MEAN it!

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