I'm not a fan of the "community engagement" process on  which Harris 
Sokoloff is building his reputation, but -- keeping in mind the  comment at the 
end of the following article (in the Inquirer)  that we shouldn't "let the 
perfect be the enemy of the good" -- it may  have yielded rather positive 
results in this very thorny area.
Al Krigman

The case for city zoning reforms
By Kiki Bolender and  Harris Sokoloff  
How should residents be involved in zoning decisions in their 
neighborhoods?  As naysayers? Or as valued advisers to developers and 
The proposed new Philadelphia zoning code answers that question by honoring 
 the expertise of neighborhood leaders, and it should be supported by 
citizens  who value that expertise.  
At the beginning of this year, neighborhood leaders, developers, 
architects,  and lawyers gathered for a series of workshops on the new code 
"Common  Ground for Building Our City: Developers, the Public and the Zoning 
Code." The  project was led by the Philadelphia chapter of the American 
Institute of  Architects, the Penn Project for Civic Engagement, and WHYY.  
The conversations were not easy. Participants struggled to get past  
stereotypes: Architects and developers were seen as arrogant and paying only 
service to community input; neighborhood groups were accused of engaging in  
backroom deals and borderline extortion. And some architects, developers, 
and  community groups have engaged in those behaviors under the existing 
zoning code.   
But the workshop participants overcame those stereotypes and found common  
ground. They agreed on ways to ensure that new buildings are good for the 
city,  neighborhoods, and developers. We sent a report to the Zoning Code 
Commission in  February, and the essence of those agreed-upon principles is in 
the new code,  which is expected to be presented to City Council soon.  
The new code would take several steps to incorporate neighborhood expertise 
 into the zoning process:  
Notification of coming projects would be more thorough.  
Significant projects would require Planning Commission approval.  
Applicants would be required to meet with the community, and both sides 
will  submit minutes for the record.  
A Civic Design Review Committee would advise the Planning Commission on  
significant projects. It would include someone with neighborhood zoning  
experience and a rotating seat for a member of the relevant neighborhood group. 
Under the new code and map, zones would more closely match actual uses. 
This  would correct cases such as that of Northern Liberties, which is largely 
zoned  industrial even though it has become one of the city's hottest 
residential  areas.  
The new code would define buildings that significantly affect the public  
because of size, location, or use. Those buildings would be reviewed even if  
they don't require a zoning variance. And, as outlined above, neighborhood 
input  would be an important part of the review.  
We believe zoning matters. With goodwill and a good zoning code, citizens 
can  shape the future of their neighborhoods and the city. And zoning can 
encourage  investment in rehabilitation and new construction, expanding the 
city's tax  base.  
The Inquirer recently reported that Camden is considering laying off half 
its  police force and a third of its firefighters because it can't afford 
them. The  city simply lacks the tax base to pay for basic services. Camden's 
sobering  story should spur us to support a zoning code that inspires 
confidence in  Philadelphia as a place to invest, a place where investors are 
treated fairly,  and a place whose "Philadelphia-ness" actually adds value to 
The new code's provisions for citizen involvement are not perfect, but  
they're on the right track. Under the current process, some neighborhood groups 
 are happy with the influence they have on developers and the power some  
individuals gain through that influence. But we would argue that under the 
new  code, citizen voices will be given a place of greater respect, to the 
long-term  benefit of their communities and the city.  
As Philadelphia's huge, collaborative exercise in zoning reform is drawing 
to  a close, let's not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Let's get 
the new  code passed and use it to make Philadelphia the next great city - a 
soulful,  sassy, energized city of neighborhoods where people will be eager 
to build,  live, and work.  
Kiki Bolender and Harris Sokoloff created the Common  Ground project with 
the support of a grant from the William Penn Foundation.  Bolender is a 
partner in Schade and Bolender Architects. Sokoloff is a professor  at the 
University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education  
and the founder of the Penn Project for Civic Engagement. For the Common  
Ground report, 

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