Wow! Too bad they were not successful in trying to move the McDonald's to
Market Street when they tore down the Modern Laundry Company.  There was a
Minister who set up a coalition against McPenntrification whose name escapes

So close, yet so far from The Promised Land.

From:  "" <>
Reply-To:  "" <>
Date:  Thu, 1 Sep 2011 08:52:35 -0400 (EDT)
To:  UnivCity listserv <>
Subject:  [UC] Check out The Daily Pennsylvanian :: Last store standing

Click here: The Daily Pennsylvanian :: Last store standing
To paraphrase Edmund Burke (although the prototype quote is usually
attributed to Georgio Santayana):
Those who distort history are:
* doomed to wallow in it
* no historians 
* poor researchers 
* dishonest researchers
* extraordinarily gullible
* mendacious 
* well-heeled enough to consider Bobby Flay's burgers a bargain
* members or aspiring members of Alpha Epsilon Alpha (Anointed Elite of
America) naive name-brand college undergraduates from privileged
* well... you get the picture
* all of the above
Alan Krigman
KRF Management, ICON/Information Concepts Inc
211 S 45th St, Philadelphia PA 19104-2918
215-349-6500, fax 215-349-6502 or

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