I'll add the quote from the news : "Police say they have made an arrest after a 
man was forced to watch a teen sexually assault his girlfriend at gunpoint."

This alone trivializes the crime, as if watching the crime was worse than 
suffering it.

From: owner-univc...@list.purple.com [mailto:owner-univc...@list.purple.com] On 
Behalf Of Joe Clarke
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 2:05 PM
To: Glenn
Cc: UnivCity@list.purple.com
Subject: Re: [UC] Many victims of violence

Glenn, You know one way to further assault the victim is by politicizing the 
crime, rather than seeking justice for the victim(s).  Politicization of people 
makes them mindless pawns of greater socia-economic-historic forces, and leaves 
them with no sense of reponsibility or agency for doing good.  Politicization 
of  people and their acts deprives them of their human diginty which includes 
making moral decisions-no matter how poorly.  The Community Organizer, John 
McKnight, talks of an old woman from an "inner city" neighborhood who pleaded 
with him and other social service agencies who came to help, "Please don't turn 
me into a helpless victim. That puts me into a worse prison than this (her 
situation))"  She could of said "Don't make me into a  "benign stereotype", 
which you seem to be good at doing; "don't make me into a victim, a problem or 
a socio/psycho-pathology".  When we pity anyone we secretly express our own 
superiority and hidden contempt for them. The rush to spread out the blame on 
society is a way of diminishing the sense of helplessness and hopelessness that 
the spreader has. If you want to be detoxified from the addiction to words - do 
something, take action.  Once reality gets a chance to have a turn at 
influencing you, you'll have cast off your chains to your computer commentary.


On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 12:45 PM, Glenn 
<glen...@earthlink.net<mailto:glen...@earthlink.net>> wrote:
It is quite likely that there have been other victims of this young 
perpetrator's violence, who are suffering and without help.  I hope we all 
include those suffering in silence in our prayers.

 The incident reported was horrible and requires our serious consideration and 
discussion.  We owe that to all victims of violence.

If you compare self report studies with crime statistics, it's clear that most 
victims of violence and sexual assaults suffer without help.  Just like the 
news reports call 48th and Springfield, southwest Philadelphia, and not 
university city; the entire system is based on manipulation and fraud.  (Go 
watch the poor people in tears being turned away from the DA's office on any 
day of the week!)

The unequal system refuses to help the vast majority of victims of violence 
while blaming them for their lack of private resources and the communities in 
which they reside.  The often absurd, NIMBY driven solutions to crime, also 
requires us to turn our backs on huge neighborhoods and populations who are 
victimized by violence daily.

If we are going to stand for real, long term, policies to reduce violence and 
crime, we need to confront our own willingness to turn our backs on the 
majority of victims and communities.  If there are flash mobs in center city 
and UCD, don't the people in other neighborhoods also suffer from violent 

I'm not diminishing the pain and trauma of these university city victims at 
all, but I'm begging people to open their hearts and minds to the victims 
across Philadelphia and the US so we can finally address these issues honestly. 
 Next time we hear that upscale lights on commercial corridors or kicking poor 
people from the park is the answer to crime, I hope more people stand up and 
scream "LIARS"

Let's start looking at and discussing our real problems honestly.  And let's 
keep our neighbors security and needs in our thoughts as much as we consider 
our own!

PS:  Thanks Rick..." As Eldridge Cleaver said we all suffer, and it wasn't what 
we wanted, the greed&war machined people wanted us to feel it as inevitable!  
WE NEED A FAIR SOCIETY.  Meanwhile we all suffer, the poor suffer the most, and 
the rich are plagued by indifference and callousness.  Please teach us to be 
kinder.  Please teach us to share.  Please teach us and reach us with safer 
non-rape and non-repo forms of sex and power drives for our gratification and 
fulfillment!  Please have mercy and justice.  Help."

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