On 4/3/2012 5:33 PM, Wilma de Soto wrote:
It's very daunting when one sees the enormity.

Thanks for the blog. I think it's important for people to see that the treachery happening here is also happening around the country. The bogus research, the propaganda, etc. is identical and coordinated. There are different crooks in different states, but the ideology and goals of the plutocracy are the same from coast to coast. I must say, Arne Duncan and George Bush are one hell of a bipartisan team!

If more people recognize the enormity of these corporate attacks and the true goals of the plutocracy, they may not swallow the bull about education reform so easily. Until I compared Chicago school closings with the SRC meeting at which Amara testified, I didn't realize how much plain old real estate profits were wrapped into "education reform" lies.

It never made sense to go on a new school building spending spree as budgets were chopped beyond the bare bones. But watching these hand picked reform commissions go after great public schools without even the cloak of improved student outcomes made that aspect crystal clear. These local governments serve the building corporations around the country in a multitude of ways. As those snakes divided up the spoils from the war on public education and professional teachers, they boldly transferred taxpayer money simply so their builder cronies got lucrative building contracts. (Didn't we spend 100 million dollars to build a school for microsoft to use as a showroom?)

I hope the students, parents, and teachers resist and occupy the schools here in Philadelphia! Then, it's up to everyone else to join in solidarity and retake public education for future generations!

Peace and solidarity,
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