"I disagree STRONGLY Glenn though about withdrawing progressive's support of the Democrats. Divided we fall caused Nixon's Vietnam and mass destructions, and a host of other ills."

Rick, I think that disagreement is a very important discussion!

Rahm Emanual eloquently expressed the position of the Democrat wing of the Corporate party toward common people over the past 30 years, when he called our brothers and sisters, "f...cking retards." He was referring specifically to members of the universal health care movement (THE MAJORITY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE) and to the peace movement. We were supposed to shut up and heap praises upon them for the corporate written health insurance rip off and their capture of the nobel peace prize. We were supposed to mindlessly repeat the absurdity that the Democrat party is a party for peace!

But the proof of a single plutocracy controlling both parties is clear by reviewing the policy shifts of the past 30 years! The continuous shift to the "right" in all policy areas marches in an unbroken line under Democrats or Republicans at federal, state, and local levels. The actors change, singing completely different tunes, but the Democrats lie to their fans just like the Republicans lie to theirs! But the corporate march destroying the environment, human rights, citizen rights, and supporting a global empire of terror and torture never skips a beat! Is that just a coincidence?

The corporate media bombards the people with bizarre distractions, and leaders of both parties manipulate their bases with platitudes and stunts given to them by the corporate plutocracy. The official line progressives are supposed to believe seems to be that the Democrats must adopt the Republican and corporate agenda exactly, because that will make the crazies happy and then the Democrats can stick in a few worthless reforms next year or next decade. How many years are we supposed to fall for this bull? Do they think we're f...cking retards?

The military empire and domestic police state continues its evil under Democrats and Republicans, having expanded since Obama. Clinton, Rubin, Summers, Geithner helped destroy the past 100 years of consumer protections, while their ally, the republican Walker, attacks worker rights like its 1849. We have an overwhelmingly bipartisan government operating on K St. despite all the choreographed nonsense on corporate media.

There is a reason that most people don't vote that is different from the prevailing line. This duopoly and their corporate propaganda machine has been successful at rendering the American people helpless, grasping for addictions and material gadgets, instead of living lives as fully participating free and valuable citizens.

I firmly believe that we only have one hope for any progressive reform and in fact one hope for the human race, and that is complete and massive resistance on the streets! This is also the only treatment for the learned helplessness we suffer!

Howard Zinn's, A People's History of the United States, shows that progress in the US has always come from the people and their struggle for freedom and justice and not from fat cat elites. Voting for either wing of the corporate party could be important but it has very little value in the current collapse of our society. Voting is only valuable if there is transparency, accountability, and inclusion before it. And we don't have those fundamental requirements for a republic!

If our hope is dependent on the "progress" promised by the Democrat/Republican plutocracy party, we are doomed!

All the best,
PS: I think you mean the Kennedy/Johnson/Nixon Vietnam which took over for french colonialism like the US took over the middle east from the British colonial masters after world war 2. The Vietnam war was a very bipartisan terrorism, war crime, and mass slaughter. The people's mass movement which ended the Vietnam war also went on to push the Nixon administration on a few major victories like Clean Water, etc. I know people whom regard Nixon as the last liberal President, and I tend to agree.


On 4/4/2012 9:44 AM, Richard Conrad wrote:
Brilliant frightening eye opener Glenn.  I disagree STRONGLY Glenn though about 
withdrawing progressive's support of the Democrats.  Divided we fall caused 
Nixon's Vietnam and mass destructions, and a host of other ills.
On Apr 3, 2012, at 3:21 PM, Glenn wrote:

Here is a snapshot of the reality about the medicaid system.  The PA medicaid example is 
being replicated in most states just like the "John Wayne" gun law that helped 
kill Trayvon.  The corporations are not attacking the people of a few states only, but 
sweep across the state capitols simultaneously.


Health care reform advocates have long known that medicaid, and the health care safety 
net for the poor, was in the midst of the death rattle long before the 
"success" of expanding medicaid in the PPACA.  That overtaxed broken net is now 
going to be totally destroyed, so that nearly a half trillion dollars can be sent to the 
health insurance corporations.  This was called a victory for health care reform.

Most of the middle class quietly knows that their individual health insurance plans are getting 
much worse every year, as is their access to primary care!  Yet, they are being manipulated by the 
corporate Republicans/Democrats toward the hate and anger of "charity" for the poor, 
minorities, and immigrants .  They believe this new lie about welfare queens getting access to the 
"best health care" while they know they can't see a doctor or get a colon cancer 
screening which could save their lives! Why wouldn't the middle class be furious, when they believe 
the welfare queen lie? This is exactly how fascism progresses in a society just prior to the 
totalitarian shift.
and / or the frightening potential for equally totalitarian and substantively 
ineffective jingoist alternatives..
To really understand the 2000+ page corporate written health care act, people need to study other 
corporate crimes and see how they control the regulations, the regulators, and quietly deconstruct 
any rules and regulations which would protect the people.  Before the corporations had their 
Democrat and Republican deceivers pass the PPACA, they already had a divide and conquer strategy to 
nullify every single "reform" by quietly taking on a few pages at a time!  (I reported my 
personal example with the new Blue Cross practice of ending "product lines."  I think 
this will prove to be an example of side stepping rules about pre-existing conditions.  Some rules 
are rewritten quietly and others are simply circumvented.)

true that, long time happening too
Whether its banking regulations, environmental regulations or health care 
protections the eviscerated regulatory agencies are no match for the 
corporations!  To believe otherwise is magical thinking.    The more complexity 
simply makes the corporate attacks easier to hide and allows them to spread the 
divide and conquer strategies more broadly.

But we still have no way to compare the Democratic solutions at least unless 
and until Obama can work with a progressive Congress.
Instead of demanding a medicare for all system, the democrats want their 
followers to believe their mantra that the health insurance bailout will get 
it has gotten somewhat better already perhaps(?)since the ideas were fostered 
to the public I think; but as your article points out not given with assurance 
and it could become here Republican Hell (or even Democrat).
But it doesn't matter what is on those pages because all of it will be 
nullified within a few years.   The corporations are making their politicians 
and judges dance around health care theatrics so they can inflame anger and 
hatred while the American people are completely distracted and misinformed 
about health care policies and systems like medicaid.  (I know the democrats 
want thinking people like me to shut up because the republicans are so crazy.  
But I can't look at the obvious nonsense and lies, and continue buying into the 
demand for progressives loyalty to the democrat party.)
They gave us sandwiches for free.  Their intentions seem good.  You might not 
need to 'buy' in...  No charge for you...!  I kid Glenn but am sympathetic and 
agree with what you say... still it is a better plan that the socially minded 
people have put forward and if unobstructed by vain and greedy resistance of 
the opposition would have been the way you had wanted it.  I find the 
politicians responding to public demands much more responsively and 
representatively and building a better republic by that more generally in the 
Democratic areas.
We have actors in a bipartisan ruling system, and not governmental leaders.  
Their choreographers do their work on K St., Wall St., and dark rooms at ivy 
league universities.

Here is the way a new health care law needs to read. HEALTH CARE IS A HUMAN 
PS  Here is some left wing propaganda:
...We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, 
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that 
among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure 
these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers 
from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes 
destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish 
it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles 
and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to 
effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that 
governments long established should not be changed for light and transient 
causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more 
disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by 
abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of 
abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to 
reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to 
throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future 

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