I assume you were surprised to see a hummingbird this far north (or maybe you 
meant in an urban environment or who knows), but I remember being shocked at 
seeing many hummingbirds daily and up close at a meditation retreat center in 
relatively upstate Vermont (Barnet) also in July. Amazing creatures, but I 
don't think I've ever seen one in Philly. 

Now off to water my neglected yard and trees. 

Happy bird watching and gardening. 

- Ricky

PS: It's about to get pretty hot again - please check in on friends, family, 
strangers, neighbors, the young, the old, the cats (stray, lost, and 
indoor/outdoor), the wild life, the plants, the trees, the homeless, the 
mentally ill, the list lurkers, the Republicans, the bikers, the anarchists, 
the Occupiers and the Occupied, the chickens, the people who behead chickens in 
their rituals, the Realtors (c), the real estate agents, the Mennonites and 
Amish (without their electric fans and air conditioners, let alone central air 
and indoor plumbing, yet, like the Hassidim and female (and some male) Muslims, 
with their modest, ankle-to-wrist clothing), the tourists (from Center City and 
beyond), the Phillies phans, the Phillies, the Penn State Community, those who 
hang out on their porches and stoops due to their lack of AC (or electricity 
for the rest of the month) despite the too-frequent gun violence, anyone who 
has to work outside, anyone who has to wear a suit to work yet do!
 esn't have a driver or even their own parking space, and all else who are 
suffering - and anyone else I may have inadvertently left out. 

> Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2012 07:15:43 -0400
> From: Joe Clarke <philly.jo...@gmail.com>
> Subject: [UC] Philly Hummingbird
> - --20cf303f6a244898af04c4c85180
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Dear All,   While in the gardent yesterday, I was taking a little  break
> when I saw something buzz into my field of vision.  I thought at first that
> it might be another insect  - a large one at that - when I noticed that it
> was in fact a hummingbird, stopping to check out the nectar of some of our
> flowers.   I was amazed to say the least.  I  dind'nt think that we had any
> in Philadelphia.  So fellow Gardners keep those bright, colorful and tall
> shrubs and plants going; they're doing their work.
> Joe C.
> - -- 
> We-  are stardust;* -  (million year old carbon)**
> *
> * *We are golden* -      (Trapped in the devil's bargain)
> *
> *And we've got to get ourselves*
> *Back to the Garden.   Joni Mitchell (Woodstock)*
> Joe Clarke
> philly.jo...@gmail.com
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