Folks, if you live nearby please keep an eye out/check your yards, alleyways, porches, basements.  Please forward...  -L

LOST CAT - GREY color with WHITE CHEST and white "socks " on all 4 paws (University city, Philadelphia)

Date: 2012-07-20, 1:05pm

Hi everybody. My cat is missing. 

Brief description: GREY in color, with WHITE CHEST, and white "socks" on all 4 paws. Male. Appr 1,5 years old. Pretty big in size. Has no collar nor tag on him (he shook them off 2 days ago and I wasn't able to find them in the apartment to put them back on him and was planning to go to PetSmart after that if i didn't find them this Sunday when i would be cleaning the whole apartment).

Last seen: 43rd and Osage (or South 44th Street), University City, Phila, 19104, last night before i went to bed. When I woke up this morning he was gone and i saw a cut area in the mosquito net this morning when i started looking for him everywhere in the apartment. He must have jumped out of the window while I was sleeping. Might be injured (we live on the 4th floor!).

Name: Batist

He's NOT a brave cat. Mostly afraid of strangers so probably just hiding somewhere. I've been looking for him and calling out his name in the area since 4 am but no luck so far. The jump must have freaked him out real bad. 

If you find or see Batist, please call/text/e-mail me (whichever is more convenient for you). My cell phone #: 757 273 4399.

A reward is offered as well.  Thank you in advance for ANY help in finding my pet.


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