Hello, Neighbors --
Would anyone know how I can expedite official readjustments to our 2014 
property tax?  I can't get a straight answer from city employees at the OPA and 
Revenue Department.  OPA tells me that the Revenue Department makes things 
official while the Revenue Department tells me that that is OPA's job...  
As a result of the city's initial over-valuation of our property, our family is 
faced with a huge escrow payment and hundreds more in monthly mortgage payments 
until we get official documents showing our new assessment and taxes.  While we 
were able to successfully demonstrate to OPA that home's value should be 
lowered (our house still needs a lot of work), we are still stuck with a less 
than ideal financial situation until the city gets around to processing the 
paperwork.  Sigh.
Thanks for your guidance!
Best,R. Mimi Iijima

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