cliveb;266625 Wrote: 
> How old is your machine? If it's got a 586 rather than 686 class CPU,
> the standard Ubuntu release won't run on it. It appears to install OK,
> but then first time you try to run it, the machine goes into an endless
> reboot cycle. In this case you need to install the "alternate" release.
> I know my old AMD K6-2 based test machine has this problem; not sure
> when Pentiums moved from 586 to 686 architecture.

Hmm, I managed to install Xubuntu (Ubuntu with xfce as a "lighter"
window manager) on an AMD K6-2.  It runs, not quickly and not well, but
it doesn't exhibit the rebooting problem you describe.

I note you mention the "standard" Ubuntu release, and I wouldn't try
standard Ubuntu on this 1998-vintage machine.  But Xubuntu is something
to consider if you want a GUI but are low on resources.

There are also other variants, Kubuntu with a KDE window manager and
I've always wondered about "Ubuntu Studio".  Both would probably be as
resource-hungry as standard Ubuntu.  My K6-2 machine originally ran
Windows 98SE, Xubuntu runs a little slower on it.  For Windows people,
I'd guess that standard Ubuntu is more resource-intensive than Windows
98 but less than Windows XP and a LOT less than Vista.

Mark Lanctot

Ben Klass: "I won't even eat a pre-7.0 meal.  Well, unless it involves
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